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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. I like how the expectation is NC every year... a little steep based on what has happened. I mean winning Big10 is a better goal... but NCs.... gotta do better than 1-10 against the SEC for that....
  2. Yea, OSU players never have felony criminal troubles... :cough: :cough: Clarrett :cough: :cough: :mumble: Skeete, Berry, Dukes :mumble:
  3. Urban Meyer just walks away? Pretty sure he 'retired' for awhile after having a heart attack... Heaven forbid the man takes a break from a stressful job for the sake of his life
  4. lol.... and I hate how OSU fans pull the Cooper card...
  5. Not doubthing that tressel was a great coach, and OSU a great team, but the bottom line is, he very very very very very rarely makes risky/non-conservative play calls. It's just not his style. No they didnt. They averaged 16.8 pts per game all time, and got a HUGE boost thanks to a 49 pt win over UK, like everyone does. PS, with the vacated win last year, they are still 0-9 vs SEC in bowl games...
  6. better question, whats the ppg against the SEC....
  7. yea, they scored well, but doesnt mean he didnt play conservative football... do you know the game very much? oblong ball... brown... white stripes?
  8. I agree, because Meyer is not NEARLY conservative enough in play calling for traditional OSU football.
  9. no sir. That would also then follow that Jon Harbaugh and Rex Ryan are bad coaches, when both were coaches at UC.... Same with Dantonio and that rat bastard Brian Kelly.... We are a great stepping stone apparently
  10. JuicedH22

    Got weed!!!?

    thank you! I didnt think anyone knew WTF I was talking about.
  11. Urban Meyer started his collegiate football career as a Bearcat.... just saying.
  12. On Ebay, lowered starting, NO RESERVE http://www.ebay.com/itm/270837177026?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  13. JuicedH22

    Got weed!!!?

    Ever read Columbus Racing? Ever read Columbus Racing.... ON WEED?!
  14. Yea, you're probably right... but then what? feel more like an idiot... but I suppose i should clean... and let mod close clean if need be...
  15. yea, the poor girls have to have security escort them because of this clown...
  16. So, this is hilarious to me... edit: abbreviated version: Clown gets mad at girl because she isnt leaving a parking space at bank fast enough Clown threatens girl. Girl sees Clown's car in front of her store later and gets scared of being stalked Clown just coincidently happened to show up to where she worked to go to a store across the street. Clown gets arrested.
  17. Not my carnage... but an ironic carnage pic I have always thought was funny... DONT LOOK BRAVO!! You might break down in tears!! btw, that car was rebuilt, and can be yours for a very reasonable price!
  18. I will vouch that this car is in top notch shape...
  19. Speedway White is so nice.... Im Jelly... trade for black c5z?
  20. This guy makes the dragon corvette look reasonable.... kind of. I wonder if the owners are related. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220852747829+&viewitem=
  21. This thread is proof that some people shouldnt be allowed to have opinions
  22. damn... I was just looking at these (as an alternative to a trailblazer/explorer) to replace my Pathfinder... Nevermind about that I guess
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