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Everything posted by JuicedH22

  1. Some very good suggestions. I have heard of Hyde Park grill (obviously, since it is a chain) but never been there. Deep Wood seems nice, but not sure if they have foods my wife would enjoy (she is a "plain" eater, chicken, or pasta. Little red meat, and no seafood for her). And both Martino's and Rigby's seem like nice italian selections (though rigsby's website says they are "casual")
  2. Hey Guys, the wife and I will be in cbus this weekend (staying downtown, near the arena district) and on Saturday night I was going to take her out for a romantic date night http://www.bitbenderforums.com/vb22/images/smilies/hump.gif. AAAND, I would like to take her to a nice, formal, fine dining, 5 star-ish, restaurant. So where better to ask than those from Cbus. Can you give a recommendation or two on a nice restaurants??? Spank you for your help.
  3. why in the fuck does he keep talking about how he couldnt drill through the tap because it was titanium? First off, who the fuck has titanium taps? Secondly, Titanium isnt that fucking hard.... no more than most common steel alloys, and not nearly as strong as tool steel.
  4. You'be been BAMBOOZLED!!! http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=51216 That was probably a deer camera out west... and just gets passed around in emails around other areas as a fake email....
  5. what shop? http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/ricer_on_75.jpg http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/1992Pictures002.jpg http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Juicedh22/5878.jpg
  6. Remind them how much better/smarter/richer/"more well off" than they are...
  7. kinda makes me miss my '94 Silverstone R2....
  8. ZO6: Change the oil, keep it bone stock.... i promise. BMW: sell for something with more cargo space.... anyone want a 328i ?
  9. So where's the application to be an admin? I WANT THE POWER!!!
  10. wait, what are we talking about again?
  11. Yea, who the fuck would be on this site, and not go to regular racing events... fucking losers.
  12. I doubt many on this site could ever reach the amount of FAIL as this tard from CSS... http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/1.jpg http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/2.jpg http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/3.jpg http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/4.jpg http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z137/push350z/kemnp%20rep/5.jpg
  13. Yea, I wouldnt mess with it if I were you. In fact you shouldnt even talk to her anymore. I am willing to help you out. Give me her number and I will go talk to her to let her down easy so she isnt so upset.
  14. Say what you want about Cleveland... but Cincy is hardly a "shit hole clammoring for anything to boost our local economy"
  15. So, I'm lazy... did this happen yet or not?
  16. I dont even know WTF he was talking about... so sure, I guess.
  17. no shit... that thread turned into FAIL... along with this one in it's wake....
  18. UMMM, okay... except Cincy is in the Big East, which is a BCS conference... the others are not in a BCS conference... As far as "weak" conferences go... The Big 10 hasn't exactly been "stellar" lately.
  19. JuicedH22

    OSU is done

    ... with their 2009 National Championship hopes.
  20. JuicedH22

    my new ride

    Nice car, almost bought my wife an 08. Just be easy with it, they are not cheap to fix when shit breaks.
  21. Dont worry guys, there is still a top 10 team in Ohio.... :gone:
  22. 12.50s with a reasonable driver behind the wheel... never with me as the pilot
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