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Everything posted by 98fiveseven1647545503

  1. well the swelling got worse and went to Urgent Care and they gave em 3 pretazones(sp) and a pepcid?? told me to ice it and some other shit so once i back to normal those fuckers are going down!
  2. That could be why i lived in the town and all that and NEVER heard of it LOL i think ill still check it out to see what its about.
  3. i might come out tonite if i dont work on the car or get a ride with someone swollen eyes suck
  4. ill have to try that. IO was thinkin of loading up a paint gun with thinner :) raise the psi and expand the fan width and fuck up there day. it crystalized a spider the other day that was hiding in a brake disc.
  5. The Experience is no shit 8minutes away from my house!! im going to have to go !! and across from where i use to be babysat when i was little!! i knew the one kid that lived there! wow. I never heard of that till today for some reason!
  6. I would but the fuckin thing is in the garage walls! I dont need a burnt garage, burnt car, burnt parts etc... but i was thinking bout getin a fire extinguisher and freezing the thing and all that. My left eye is starting to close with The swelling im going to pay a visit to the doctor and take some benadryl(sp) I hope its cool cuz i need to finish my car tonite and tommarow
  7. So today I was takin some shit to the burn pile behind our garageand slammed the door to make sure it shut with the wind at the time. It pissed off a nest of bees,or hornets. ( They are where we had to remove part of teh wall on the outside to repair something). As I was walkin back into the garage to finish the heads on the Camaro I got "swarmed" by a few of them and came out with a nice stinger in my forehead! fuckin shits ar going to DIE tonite when they are all in the nest. Second time they tried to get me. Needless to say I still have the last 3 steps fo teh torque sequence left to do ill get later tonite or tomarow(sp). Figured id share.
  8. me and my buddy were going to westerville one night and a fucking pop can got thrown out someones window on 270 and nailed the bumper on his car and spiderwebed the paint a little bit if we were right at the exit he would found somethign to throw out the window back at him but yea cigarrette butts piss me off to because people dont give a shit where they flick them
  9. good work guys ! i HATE people like this i mean we did flame him but ya know he is a TOTAL idiot so fuckem
  10. yea tehn about 20 minutes after i got all of this bullshit i got a message to my aim name (camarosfiv693) Minx7676: so do you use this email address much? lbcounterfeit@hotmail.com beacuse its about to get fucked up LOL yea this is bullshit i want to have my e-posse fuck this dudes e-world up lol
  11. I am gettin congratualtions and welcome for joining some fuckin mailing lists i have never heard of . christianpreschoolers,omaha united lutheran chruch, pipes online news letter WTF?!?! i never signed up for this shit and i am still gettin more poping up on msn messenger anyone know of a virus or any other shit that causes all this?
  12. good luck man i have to believe he will make it through! will be in my thoughts
  13. Ok torqued the heads on my LS1 Correct way: torque to 22 ft-lbs turn an additional 90 degrees turn 1-8 additional 90 degrees turn 9-10 additional 50 degrees Me and Stronger Friend did: torque to 22ft-lbs turn an additional 90 degrees turned ALL 50 degrees would turning 1-8 the additional 40 degrees to set to the spec of 90 degrees would that mess anything up?
  14. I have been listening to the radio lately since the cd player in teh garage has decided to shit on me and i am realling like Hinder-Get Stoned So post your favorite new songs.
  15. im probaly down and i like the cruise idea better
  16. this guy is a little bitch but he is cool and i figured would add some spice around here and he can give as well as take so he would fit in around these parts :asshole:
  17. that snake looks a "little" bit bigger then 13ft but nice find
  18. yea ill be over to help/bullshit with ya ant esp since my car wil be done when you get back or ill be in the winter car :)but yea gimme me a shout when you get back from down south so it looks like 2 weeks till i get my egr and air systems deleted? and who is to say that there isnt ANOTHER Turbo in ANOTHER Box? possible TWIN TURBO a turbo for both Banks
  19. yes i love it i loved the concept adn specs back in highschool seem to have gotten betta
  20. if all goes smoothe and i have Z done and the cam broke in ill dyno the car cuz yea im curious i shoulda went bigger cam but i dont really have tuning money and if i come my 2 friends will probaly bring there Z28s also. Ill get ahold of the guy with my old car to see if he wants to dyno it since i never got to
  21. i was well into the 140s racing a certain blue neon and a few nights i pegged the needle and it pulled after so 155+ most of you done these speeds on teh free way or back roads? i dont really have the balls to go stupid fast on the free way just doesnt seem liek an easy getaway
  22. id deffinetly be down once teh Z28 gets finished 1 week from tommarow tops (on how productive i feel) id definetly be down to see if i just wasted my money :)
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