Have you thought of buying a home in a more established neighborhood? With the money your looking to spend, you could get a real nice house which could be better come resale time.
Stewarts auto off broad st in pataskala was hiring.
I will keep an eye out. Have your own tools and all that?
Have you thought about property maintenance? Decent money, always appears to be jobs, usually self reliant all day, fixing things.
With the stick houses all the major builders were putting out from about late 90s and on, you were at the mercy of what ever sub contractor worked on your individual house on any particular day. Its the builders fault from the standpoint where they new it was happening and they allowed it. I dont think there is any discrepency wether or not these builders seen the end was in sight and was just dumping house after house onto the market and approving almost everyone for a homeloan. Some people had great experiences and some didnt. Some people are nieve to wether they received a good deal or not.
Man these are all over the place. Any certain characteristic details your looking for such as older deserted ones like in a desert or just any old run of the mill closed gas station?