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Everything posted by VikingY3K

  1. You can see how her fist is still clinched on the 2nd to last pic. Guess she knew what was coming before it happened:\ Didn't feel a thing.
  2. ....all for pack smokes:wtf:
  3. I don't think so, maybe hurt.
  4. pst, If that wasn't staged, I bet that guy isn't with her anymore, or maybe it made him feel better because he probly slept with her sister^^
  5. WOW....thats all I can say
  6. Brian, I think the GTO will get ya motor for motor, but it will be close:)
  7. It was a blast! Could've been warmer, but still fun:D
  8. VikingY3K

    1 more night

    I was just thinking, that'll be too much at once for my car. Going out tonight, then wakeing up @5:30 tomorrow to be on the road at 7:30 to drive to Kil-Kare, then make some passes, and drive back...not looking good with only a 3-speed^^. Hope you guys have fun tonight, and try to keep it under 180;)
  9. VikingY3K

    1 more night

    BC, who all is coming? I might be in.
  10. VikingY3K


    Looks like a party gone bad...that has to suck, cops rolling in on you getting fucked up and fucked:P
  11. Not a bush fan huh...funny, neither is most of the population. go figure:P
  12. lol, I can relate to the game part....but not the trade game time for "play time" ;P
  13. you still feel slow...lol! Not from my point of view watching your taillights getting smaller:P Once you get used to your car it SEEMS slow, and you end up wanting more and more untill you run out of $$ or you can't do anything else^^.
  14. Rescheduled due to inconvience. 10/7 or next weekend.
  15. 1.VikingY3K(Chuck) 2.Balian(Ryan) 3.Mojoe(Joe) 4.Turborust(Derek) 5.ImUrOBGYN(Christian) 6.FOXBODY88STANG(VIC) 7.Bill Dozzer(Bill) 8.sb377fatboys10(Brian) <---You can wait till Kil-Kare to get yours:P I will contact you guys tomorrow to figure out a meeting point.
  16. I'm looking forward to it! Ok, here is the list so far. 1.VikingY3K(Chuck) 2.Balian(Ryan) 3.Mojoe(Joe) 4.Turborust(Derek) 5.ImUrOBGYN(Christian) 6.FOXBODY88STANG(VIC) Anyone else?
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