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John Bruh

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Everything posted by John Bruh

  1. you can field strip a kimber without any tools.
  2. how much was everythign. gun night sights and laser...what did it run you for the package?
  3. this is it. its all personal preference.
  4. i carry my .45 all the time. i just bought a .40 to carry on my ancle. For owb holsters i like blackhawk for not having a tumb break, but a finger release.
  5. thats the gun i carry. did you buy a regular ultra or one just like the one pictured?
  6. just an fyi for anyone that has had a storm or used one on the older software 4.7 and didnt like it. If this phone doesnt have 5.0 download it and you'll love it. I hated my storm until this update now its fast and ive yet to have a problem!!
  7. i will donate some cash. I need to see exactly how much we made last month as im a month behind on my pay.
  8. i have 2 1g dsm bovs and a hsk ssq let me know if you want one
  9. will try! if you want to go sometime let me know. im down!
  10. you can order a new fender and have it painted for under $500. that would cost about 150 for body work. i cant really tell buy the angle but if a dent guy pop's it out its going to be between 75-125
  11. ive never been but hound dogs is always packed. We park in their lot going to sloopys and they there normally aren't any spots and a ton of people inside. I want to try it myself! or kingy's
  12. i ended up buying the m&p. my next gun will be S&W 340.
  13. lol i dont want one of those. my brother has a baby eagle in a 9 seems like a nice gun. I did how ever look at the 44s and WOW THEIR FUCKING HUGE! lol I guess if i wouldnt shoot them i could club them with that gun!
  14. I know the 357 packs the biggest punch of those. the 38 is the same diameter thats why the 357 guns can shoot .38+p rounds and the 380 is the exact same diamater of the .38 just shortened cartridge so less power. I was looking for a bug (no hammer) because it would be a leg gun or pocket and i don't want any snags eaither. I'm not stuck on a .357 i really want one, but i dont want to pay the price. i looked at the 340s and i think they were like 799 or 800something. and i want to keep around 400-500
  15. ill register my car is i can get a spot! if not i will be attending so cr trip....im down!
  16. I forgot i looked at one of those too. It was a springfield i believe (well it was located next to them at least). The thing about the stig is it would be harder to find ammo and they guy told me more $. I have never shot one so i really can't judge them.
  17. I looked at both of those guns and the lcr was a light gun but the S&W was lighter and fit better in my hand. I looked at the lcp which its a nice gun i don't want to go smaller that a .38special and its a .380. Trust me i looked at a lot of guns last night and i really liked the two i picked. The only thing thats hold me back on the revolver is like i said some of the time its going to be my main carry gun and the M&P has a higher capicity and a bigger punch (closer to the .357 which i would love to have) Does any manufactor make a .357 mag auto?
  18. I currently have a 1911 that I carry and I'm looking for a second guy to carry on my leg. This gun will be a backup in the winter and fall months and the main gun in the summer time as I most likely will be wearing t-shirts and my 1911 will be noticable (I wear jeans all the time so i will conceal this on my leg). I went to vances last night and looked at several guns and found two that i really like 1.) S&W Revolver in a .38 special. I loved that it was super light, really small to carry on my leg. Lifetime warranty. -What i didn't like was I really wanted a .357 but the .38 was around the price i want to pay. Also it being a smaller revolver only holds 5 rounds 2.) M&P Compact .40. I actually looked at quite a few revolvers and a lot of the autos and I love the way this gun fits in my hand. I'm left handed and this gun is ambidextrous so it fit really well. I love the extra slide release and safety. My only concern is this gun has to 100% functional all the time. So thats why i was really considering a revolver, but the columbus police carry m&p and i've heard A LOT of good things about these guns. So the question at hand is if your in my shoes which gun would you go with and why. I dont want any other recommendations because i looked at all the guns they have last night (ruger, taurus, m&p, s&w, glocks, DE, Springfield,etc, etc, etc) and I liked the two i have listed here.
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