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John Bruh

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Everything posted by John Bruh

  1. RIP PAUL http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/181568_10150420764430055_582310054_17339406_2762807_n.jpg
  2. my gf has a turbo cruze, its slow as balls. I will drive my 13mpg f150 over that any day.
  3. John Bruh

    Flame war

    i see a 25pg thread here to come!
  4. John Bruh

    Flame war

    hahahah what a fag.
  5. didnt hang out with you fags thats for sure! j.k by the time i saw the cookout it was too latte
  6. his name is paul. he live in reynoldsburg. yeah i went there i liked the pace alot. 2. he goes to be around 9:30-10. my thoughts exactly! Alot of money to pay.
  7. girl already knows the position http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/001/055/733/5100xcitefun-uefa-cheerleaders-11_display_image.jpg?1309272817
  8. oh herrrooo http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/001/053/471/3467800477_92d325e0b1_display_image.jpg?1309207454
  9. how much porn is stored on the hd?
  10. childcare is m-t only and 4-9. they don't have childcare there, they use to but no one used it so they don't have it anymore (per my brother who works out there). I called lifetime, they have a little better childcare hours, but man its a lot more expensive. I'm going there today to look around may end up getting a membership.
  11. should of shot his cuz more than twice and ended that life.
  12. I'm looking to join a gym since i've become a fat ass and need to lose some weight. My biggest problems are my work hours and i need childcare. I've found most places have child care till 8/8:30. Does anyone know of a gym with childcare open later, 9/9:30 would be perfect (since i work till 7).
  13. ktm also makes a bad ass 690 and 525 sumo's also no stock drz makes 50hp and the wr250s are very very reliable.
  14. husky 610 or aprilia 450 (the 550s are junk, motors blow) Drz are fun, when cornering they basically just fall into the turn, where as my husky you push it a little more like a sport bike. don't buy a 250 you will hate life.
  15. why not one of these sportbike+torque! http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/268802_10150687578690215_520765214_19531243_7041055_n.jpg
  16. ill be riding A motorcycle :gabe:
  17. i bet you would like a . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Can-Am :gabe:
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