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John Bruh

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Everything posted by John Bruh

  1. When did you become a sponsor?
  2. this doesn't work on any of the Ferrari or ducati stuff.
  3. i have a new one like ben's and they last 2.5hrs on constant video, if your just taking pictures mine has lasted a full day.
  4. new car rate vs used car rate not the same.
  5. how long srs. all i wear are lucky jeans. how many pairs are new?
  6. i carry all the time, unless its a government building with a metal detector.
  7. how much was it? Their $319 @ woodbury's today
  8. I just went through the same type of situation. I sold my exhaust manifold to a Guy in new your. Shop it on Aug 10 via usps with tracking and insurance. Well September 2nd cones still doesn't have the package. He files a claim with PayPal , they instntly withdrew funds. Finally usps ships it to him on September 6th. He never calls PayPal or anything letting them know he's received the part. I call PayPal, turns out over $250 they need delivery confirmation. They try to contact him no luck. Finally I calked in 2x a try made 2 more attempts to call him. They get ahold of him the second time luckily. Had they nor got ahold of jim I would of been sol for $600.
  9. Larry (614) 920-3033 he does a TON of work for us. Damn Ford and Chevy leather on these trucks. Great guy.
  10. I thought I texted alot. I send about 5k a month.
  11. all u pussies do it close to the ground. here is my buddy at his work http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/300207_1497276168083_1719494918_760494_1622834729_n.jpg
  12. really can't go wrong with a v10. other than shitty gas mileage
  13. dont u have a dodge diesel?
  14. take the memory card and out put it in the memory card reader in your computer....:dumb: If your computer doesnt have one their like $10.
  15. lol, you didnt put a memory card in it.
  16. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&safe=off&gs_upl=793l4069l0l4167l19l14l1l2l2l1l328l2602l0.5.6.1l12l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.&biw=1272&bih=886&q=red+ceramic+tile&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16982577015552439459&sa=X&ei=CXFeTrWlBNLTiALumJmzBQ&ved=0CGoQ8wIwAQ
  17. $500. Just now saw your post JP. I never went this year.
  18. I bought this bike earlier in the year and it's been a great bike I just want a KLX110. It starts on first kick, it's got a street legal title for it (also have all the parts to make it street legal minus headlight). The frame has been powder coated red. Its a 1998 CR80 techinally, but it has a CR85 cylinder on it thats got just a couple hours on it.. I have a ton of extra parts that will come with it, extra plastics, tanks, DIRT WHEELS AND TIRES, the 80 cylinder, etc!!!! Needs a gasket from the header to the cylinder head (leaks a little oil from the premix) I just have been lazy and have bought one. It didnt have one on it when we bought it earlier this year. $1900 http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/255164_10150664231910215_520765214_19343478_323704_n.jpg http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/251090_10150664231725215_520765214_19343475_5523051_n.jpg
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