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Everything posted by SiColin

  1. iphone guru how do I get my back button to work again? everything else works just not it. I have to re start my phone just to get it back to the home screen since the damn button at the bottom won't work. Can I take it apart and see if the connection is bad? apple is probably going to rape me and make me buy a new one if I take it to them to see if they can fix it.
  2. Nice numbers, looks like a run ride. Oh yeah thanks for being a ricer and cutting me off in the rain last sunday afternoon.
  3. SiColin


    I think most people are meeting at the old circuit city off of sawmill. Not sure on the type of cars that go there since ive never been a fan of parking lot standing.
  4. Kind of glad i've stayed out of this thread. Alot of you guys are still living in the past, it doesnt take much money for hondas to go fast anymore. I know very little about domestics. So I don't hop in threads and start talking out of my ass cause of things ive heard but have no first hand experience with. Just buy and build what you want, just be ready for the nah sayers if you do buy a honda.
  5. 400hp should be hard to come by on a 16g, i couldn't get mine any higher then 350whp. All in all nice build.
  6. I use a corded dewalt 1/2 impact. I have yet to run into a honda crank pulley bolt or axle nut that it can't get off. PB blaster always helps too. Damn 48 bucks aint to bad of a deal for the tool. Good to know.
  7. Thats what I do to but usually my impact takes it off with no problem.
  8. I just wish they would stop playing Alice in Chains like previously mentioned. I miss hearing metal on the radio. I've been saving for a new HU just so I can listen to pandora. Stupid factory radio with no input.
  9. Yeah that porsche was nasty. When I saw it go 10.7 I was truly impressed. That was one hell of a trailer and truck as well.
  10. Thanks man, it was nice meeting you too. Your car is quick it jumped out so fast from the start when we raced.
  11. I'm lost. There were still a few other coolers sitting there so someone else prolly grabbed it. I figured it belonged to one of them so I set it on top of one as well as some ketchup. I'm not sure I even know who you are haha.
  12. Heres one of mine from the Track Rental yesterday. Hopefully i'll be replacing this soon the next time out. 19psi 13.592@109.06 2.437 60' 4-23-10-Civic-turbo http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a104/edsihon/1336.jpg
  13. Haha I didn't take it. I took it out of my cooler right before I left.
  14. Big thanks to everyone that made it happen. I had a really good time. Everyone for the most part were real nice. There was a few that made asshole comments but I drive a Honda so im use to it. Overall I can't complain and I'll def try and make it to more this year. I really need to improve my driver mod I was nervous about breaking something with the new setup. Also need to get rid of the shitty all seasons and take advantage of my extended wheel studs.
  15. Yeah I had 2 12packs of pop left over and there were like 3 bottles of dressing I saw unopened. The dogs weren't bad man.
  16. Damn I almost forgot about the whole needing a helmet thing, that would have sucked. How is the quality of that helmet Mr. DarkFormula? I take it is DOT aproved? I might have to take a trip up there and pick one up if I plan on going to more of these track days. It would be nice to have my own, and not have to borrow one every time.
  17. Oh yeah by the way the map sensor is a GM product haha
  18. Well scratch that I'm going to make it. Wire came lose on my 3bar map which caused the car to die and not run. It's fixed now and I'm about to pick it up. So count me in I'll still be bringing pop and a cooler. Any requests for what pop y'all want?
  19. Well i'm prolly not going to be able to make it. Car left me stranded today on the side of the freeway. Its getting towed to slomo as we speak to get checked out. Hopefully its just something small and will be a quick fix so I can make it. As of now I have no ride since I just sold my beater. Just my luck. I was so excited to finally run my car after all the cash ive thrown at it and not being able to drive it last summer. Fuck
  20. I'm getting nervous I might not be able to get my tune sort out in time. My tuner is super busy and my car is running rich for some reason. It was just tuned in october right after the motor was built. Anyone able to fix my air/fuel within this week before the track meet? Im running an s300 with a full tune so I wouldnt think it would take much time to just give it a quick tune up and look over. Pm me if anyone can help i would really like to bring my car.
  21. Nice numbers. Why such high compression? Just curious don't know much about those cars.
  22. Sold.....Thanks Vince nice meeting you
  23. pm replied link to a mustang with 24v mod, i wish i would have done this for my bro
  24. Where is this cookout going to be taking place?(ie. by the stands, in the grass, by the staging lanes????) I haven't met anyone in this thread so i'm unaware of who to look for or what vehicles. I'll be in a black civic pretty much factory looking just lowered.
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