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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. http://image56.webshots.com/156/5/64/33/2336564330087621283UNdmlz_ph.jpg just got a computer, beer and lotion BRB
  2. hell he is most likely spraying that Mini Excavator
  3. how is that show still on? only shows that are being renewed I understand less are the batcher and The race
  4. I am thinking somewhere that is not Columbus Ohio there are many more of these cars running around. Because I have only ever seen one driving around here
  5. That heffner kit looks like it would ass much more heat under the "hood" plus it looks like it is more difficult to deal with
  6. You could not have found a bigger plane? How many tanks does that hold?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5Ukd8ym0vM
  8. Buy a row boat, nothing to break and cost "Another thousand"
  9. nothing will change till someone dies, And even then it may be till after said dead person tries to sue that changes are made
  10. Man you aimed low by picking on Paul and still missed.
  11. reposts are good when other peoples shit is getting fucked up
  12. plus this is way ore of a sleeper
  13. I just wonder were the hell the cops are the whole time....
  14. those kits do look very similar but also looking at it it is about the only way I see to it that makes sense..
  15. So when is Anthony gonna buy a blower for that thing?
  16. lol ya I had the cursor over the stop button . I thought he was gonna wip it out and go to town on it the way he was talking dirty to it
  17. I was hoping to see Jessica kick some ass. Would have made good a vid
  18. http://www.yellowbullet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=348853
  19. the fact you would even conceder a Windsor jr tells me you need to do more reading and studying. Like I said put a cheap cam in it like a trick flow stage one or two and have at it. learn all about the juice and go 150. once that gets bored then we will talk, but you have a ton of driving exp. to gain first
  20. hard to take it seriously with purple yellow and pink
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