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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. A: what are moonclips? B: Would this be anything more than home defense ? What range would those 420's become worthless?
  2. It is just like the Bmw I had listed. First person that came and looked at is bought it, but no one wanted to come look
  3. $50 I only saw it the one time quickly so not sure
  4. This much Porn BEGS for a massive prank on someone... Deliver to someone at work..... put in someones driveway early morning .... Something
  5. I know I have seen these but can't place them but they look good http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2009/02/01/10/03/1988_porsche_928-pic-38745.jpeg
  6. http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2009/04/23/18/09/1995-porsche-928-pic-47368.jpeg looks good
  7. gonna do wheels on a Porsche go big or go home
  8. http://www.ckadett.de/felgen/bilder/damals/9.jpg
  9. http://www.thegunsource.com/item/519313_SmithWesson_HandgunsPistols_SWGOVERNOR45LC45ACP410275SCANDIUM.aspx I have always liked the raging bull but in my mind (I may be wrong) S&W makes a better gun. Thoughts?
  10. Did you pay her the 20 for beating you?
  11. didn't his dad say he had less than 50 bucks saved for a car?
  12. Did you ever call my buddy with the freshly rebuilt motor?
  13. Give a days notice next time f'ers
  14. So instead of finding out what the problem is you are gonna buy a new motor?
  15. did you ever call Brian? he needs tires....
  16. Civic or accord Buy a Cheap to own cheap to repair and super reliable car that will always get you A to B. Once you have extra $ buy a 2nd car to work on and then when it breaks or will not ______ then you still get to school/ work
  17. Funny mental pic of you sitting at a desk typing all these in.
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