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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. you are NEVER in control of when you work when self employed. others just THINK you are
  2. Putty u suck! I have saw pics of your wife AND she helps you pimp out your garage! WTF lol
  3. I-O The buckeye bullet is alway set to impress!
  4. +1 and he is even a u of suck fan! http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs176.snc3/20350_105896319426967_100000197971619_159274_7706584_n.jpg
  5. That is the way we did the few I have done and never a issue. I just was just looking to buy the paint at wholesale or what not.I will finaly have a insulated and ac'ed garage again so I want to make it nice inside before I move my shit in and get back to work
  6. Jason that is the way I plan to do it. Man this thread went off track from me just trying to save a buck.
  7. I have donr and seen it done a few times friend has a shop that the paint is 5yrs old and is a busy shop used every day by 2 techs. Yes his need a new coat at his point but concidering the complete lack of care he has given it and the stuff he has spilled on it that are to never be on it I am sure in mine it will last a long time
  8. Fuck those bastards! TOTAL BS! On top of being dumb as hell it is also a bad biz. move
  9. I plan to stay for awhile and I want it to look the way I want. I was more thinking sherwin williams paint and not home depot paint.
  10. Oh yes been awhile since I was reminded cr people date models
  11. So I am signing a lease soon and after that I want to fix up the garage a bit before I move in. Does anyone have a hook up on epoxy floor paint (prefer light gray) Also gonna want multiple sheets of the smooth white board they use for bathrooms could use a discount on that if possible. It is a rental so I am out this cash (worth it to me )but I'd like to limit the amount as much as possible. Thx
  12. Build a 427+ the more power you make off boost the less boost you need = less heat
  13. Umm ya but they were good till then
  14. they whould have put me under the jail
  15. I know it is a 2dr but my gads is selling a red w/ black 97 mark 8
  16. wings and rings Crazy sause = win
  17. his links he posted and noobs clicking on them
  18. Those looks to be turbo coupe seats. So it looks to be a lego car so I bet it was a 4 popper
  19. Farkas will not rock a car with window tint. Oh and what a waste of a truck
  20. Hmm this is tempting are thier tickets left?
  21. Inner fender does not seem to be cut for air box and 99% of the time when a aero is carb is becouse is was easier than installing a efi harness. BUT check the vin belive its the 8th digit
  22. If I am gonnaspend 15k on a toy I am gonna spent 3k more and get a hell of a car for the money
  23. Anyone catch the one that wrecked into the freaken plant. lol did not even make it out of the parking lot!
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