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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. did you look in the speed shop ? Or do a Search?
  2. neiter one of you have a clue when it comes to this. People that are clearly fat have a disease much like alcoholism. Over eating is much like anerexia or bulmia(sp?x2). I don't get why people get the those are diseases and are tied to the mind yet over eating is just some "fat ass that sits around all day and eats everyting and complains". I am On a "diet" right now becouse by medicial terms I am obese, even thogh I work 12-14 hrs a day most days and 7 days a week and untill the last couple of months I ate VERY little fast food. And even the dieticians that I am working with say that with a person of my genes and body type it will be very hard to keep it off the for the first two years.
  3. People who are over weight look at food in a differnt way than skinny people. Food for fat people is VERY much like drugs for a user. The mental ties to the food are very hard to over come. Must of the time one can pull enough will power together for a short period however between your mind craveing things, tv comm., a busy work schedule, and other things it is very hard to stay on a diet plan. For fat people to "just don't eat that much" is like if we told you to "just don't eat at all" becouse it is that hard to over come. Now on a second note I do get bothered with the people that look for "The pill". People think that they will be able to take a pill and puff they are thin. They think they will not have to earn nutrion(sp?) and over come there eating disorder.
  4. Thank hua for this one http://dieseldigital.net/images/fatassbitch.jpg
  5. neither could you from what I saw smart ass
  6. how are the rear shock towers in it ?
  7. they pased a law that people were to be allowed to get one free report a year but they started it out west first and then it was moving here. I have not heard if it has made it out this way yet. Anyone know about this?
  8. I have two for 1000 pm if interested
  9. shawn got a pic of it ? might be good to take to az if it is clean
  10. nhl player don't make near what othe pro players do
  11. I would have played football my senior year in high school. With my size I would have got a good amount of a scholership, That would have had me get a degree way before now and who knows what else
  12. I didn't mean that it is a ballence problem but rather a belt one. but if you take it to the tire store and have them look for a bad belt only you will pay the same amount as if they were to remove it re balance it (on the machine is were you can cee bad belts the easeist) and put back on in a rotated position.You might as well get more bang for your buck.
  13. ^^^^^^^^ graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gif
  14. it's cold and wet and dark early, How about a movie or smething indoors (not at a applebees or max and ermas though)
  15. best screen name evar !
  16. I wish we had spell check on here. I spell like crap but learn when I look stuff up
  17. chris please clean out you pm box I need a 3800 part
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6236&item=4519347547&rd=1
  20. vince can you measure the total diameter of the tire I will take them if they are close. Also I can't tell are they cuped on the outer edge
  21. call autozone, they have it in the computer. It is 4 qts I belive but might be 5. Put 4 in start it for a min or two then check it and add if needed
  22. I am thinking of buying a ps2 before I go to AZ since I will be so damn broke I will need to stay home all the time so I figure it would be cheaper. Anyway my Q is is there any where that you guys know of that offer better deals than others (free game with it, or dvd add on included). I am not buying right away so if there is a deal I can wait for or what not that is cool to
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