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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. All for wheels and tires that are 20% left all 4 200.00 http://www.mustang-gt.com/gt/FeaPic/mt98gtc.jpg they are this style
  2. It is a stinger style new in box I have cleaned the welds up inside to smooth flow as they were crappy. It is a very nice piece that should be good for a good bit of ponys. this is the header http://projecthp.ford23.com/stingerperformance.html $275.00 as you see it is 350 on his site ANDhe is sold out so you can't even get one from him
  3. Maybe a cool model of the spruce goose if you could find it since it is a plane and is wood. Just a thought
  4. needs fenders and could use new straps but the ones on it do work. 100.00 FIRM don't ask
  5. ant please put a comma or hit enter in your member status if fucks the whole page up
  6. call Advance Auto, I heard from this bald guy I know that works thier that they sell them. graemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.giftongue.gif
  7. need a windshield for the csx and would like to save some cheddder if possable. TIA
  8. I think Adam made that vid after he got beat.
  9. nobody wants a super clean 1500 turbo car that needs nothing?
  10. Buckeye1647545503


    is this the same one that wa cheating on you too?
  11. sorry jason but I don't think you can qualify when your drag car, summer car and beater are all the same
  12. mr2 rear ending a truck...........Must have been Meckaturd
  13. I'm in with the proge gt. Any and all welcome tongue.gif
  14. DUH! http://www.stat.ohio-state.edu/~shili/Images/buckeye.jpg name Should have known http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://kirkandscott.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/kirk_and_scott.jpg&imgrefurl=http://kirkandscott.tripod.com/&h=546&w=75 0&sz=68&tbnid=Vyd9RkiUm1cJ:&tbnh=101&tbnw=138&start=34&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dscott%2Bkirk%26start%3D20%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
  15. um ......um .........um.........Damn my cars are slow
  16. 6.0 Block >>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitty cheap looking clear lights
  17. bump if someone is interested please carr 506-3019 I need to sell before x-mas
  18. If my car ran 10's I would sport a set just to do just that. Kinda like kyle's pink porsche
  19. bad coil wire ........fixed can lock this now
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