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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Anyone know of a good used one I can pick up for my Astro AKA my temporary storage unit lol
  2. He is very helpful although I still need to go see him and pick out mine
  3. Shut it aaron you elitest prick! J/K
  4. Over correction is the number one cause of wrecks... well that and being a dumbass
  5. Son of a ! ....hmm maybe on the way to detroit....
  6. She is FN HOT! Love me some "crush" http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xs8RoYnh-JI/Tg5DUHoaNQI/AAAAAAAACxw/m2TgE0i-H3M/s1600/Gina-Caranoy.jpg http://www.411mania.com/siteimages/gina-carano2_128678.jpg
  7. Looks like it is time to buy the 2012 still now
  8. Nope maybe a Buddy from cleveland but not sure
  9. We are going this sat early so if you want to go with pm me for info
  10. Adam I am pretty open to whatever you guys want to do. I just want to go see some hot prototypes .... and booth babes
  11. I figured allot of people would want to go to this...
  12. If someone doesn't make waves we are all gonna sink
  13. I am thinking of going to the show I am think Saturday the 20 to let people make plans but I am open to next Saturday as well. I figure leave early am and stay till doors close and drive back. Thought? Who wants to go? I can rent a fullsize van cheap from work so that is a option if people want to carpool in a big group (and sleep on the way up)
  14. Sad to see any car related show canned........... Except that one.
  15. more like Then http://image.hotrod.com/f/9282375/113_0705_05_z+1968_dodge_dart+burnout.jpg NOW http://www.sftravel.com/images/limousines/san-francisco-rental-car.jpg
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