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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. I will swing by and get it I think I can use it for parts for the scooter I got from paul
  2. Whatever hoopty you had out when we went to white castles. I thought it was black but who knows I don't pay attn to cars with Olympic rings
  3. that sounds pretty lame. I thought woodward was homage to the old days racing light to light and what not. It sounds like it is just a big car show..? If that is the case I not sure I want to waste my time.
  4. Jones fill the tank in the black one with race gas and let it eat
  5. The steak house at the NY NY hotel is kick ass.
  6. At only 420hp I am beting against the t5
  7. not really they are in the corner and next to the ramps. But then again you don't sound like you need work if that is a reason to not apply
  8. Love the name! lol http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loy7rzpvSz1qd7m1so1_500.jpg
  9. http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lp3r0uQfnh1qb3mmfo1_500.jpg
  10. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lp3rp57MvO1qb3mmfo1_500.jpg
  11. As a former employee of the store I gotta say If you want to work for a "big store" ntb down town is the best one (closed on Sundays is just one of the reasons) Also Derick is pretty fair as a Boss (unless you mess up his Chipotle order:p)
  12. You must have never seen water world ..
  13. Seems like first things you would want in auto ice dancing is small and nimble, low weight, cheap to repair once backed into the wall. ..... So why is he trying to do in in a sport yacht?
  14. what the fuck are you kidding me?
  15. Jesus I am glad only members can read this thread. It make us all look bad. Oh and 13's are slow a hell nothing to be talking shit with
  16. Law of deminishing returns.
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