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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Mike we all can't be mullet wearing chubby owners, but someone has to keep the stereotype alive.
  2. They don't give a fuck about the customer. Try penske and ryder
  3. Damn those are pretty. ... My birthday is in October....
  4. I can't justify a 400 dollar bow ATM BUT I love archery and would love to see pics of his work
  5. reminds me of this pic http://www.seedtheseries.com/blog/read/images/evolution_of_man.jpg
  6. don't worry I bet he blows the windows out of that subi really soon.
  7. Scott might want to check the rule book before buying. I know you said you weren't trying to win every time BUT you also don't want to put yourself into a class that you are dead last every time ether
  8. well at least only one nice car was damaged, and one rental car
  9. I am interested in any to any game ...
  10. Go work for Derick. I know its still auto but its better than most
  11. Does he go to practice daily? Does he have the starters beat on him like a punching bag? If so then he earned the jersey. How he got the opportunity is less then preferred but if he is doing what is needed to earn it now then I see no issue. Also Linn why do you post this, Isn't he a buddy of yours and Sam's?
  12. I want that car sooooooooo bad. But I don't want a payment more. .......
  13. oh god I feel yet another car coming to the green household!
  14. Nice truck. Can't go wrong with ford. Personally I would have sprung for a fullsive with ecoboost, but that's just me
  15. Shit I forgot about a helmet. I better find one before nmra.
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