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Posts posted by KennyFKINPowerz



    After continuous efforts the event will be postponed. National Trails and ourselves have had a major hold up in terms of the agreement. We will have the event this summer, but it is not going to be held at Trails this summer. Currently we are working with Marion raceway on a date and terms. We were hoping to make this happen this weekend, but we do not want to run a half-ass event just to say we did it. We are committed to making this event happen, and making it as exciting as possible. Please stay tuned as we will be posting the new dates and some extra info soon. Thanks for supporting Straight Line Promotions, we are dedicated to hosting the best, fastest, grudge racing in Ohio.


    I would also like to add that the "Friday night street fights" at NTR is in no way affiliated with Straight Line Promotions. It is a spin off of our idea, but in no way shape or form the way we intend to host our events :)



  2. who are the people in the background? I thought it was just him who worked at his shop? Is that the customer who asked him to do that? I've dealt with Rob many times and he knows more about cars than anyone I've ever met... like he knows stupid shit about cars, like specific models that had trim pieces in special places, etc....


    My point is, maybe the customer asked him to do that and we don't know the whole story.... just saying... he's never done me wrong.


    All I have to say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must truly be brainwashed.

  3. No, it was like reading posts from someone who had Alzheimer's disease. It was the same stupid shit over and over again.


    Besides he has made it perfectly clear he thinks everybody on here is a bitch, talks about guns too much, and nobody has anything worth racing his stunning machine.


    You see, the joke’s on him because he doesn’t realize some people spend more time running the shit than running their mouth on facebook or the internet.


    In closing, we have worked very hard at pruning the retard tree around here and I’m not about to take a step backwards. Just keep torturing him on Facebook, I don’t have to clean up those messes :lolguy:


    What Waggs says. Please don't bring that dork back on here.

  4. My neighborhood has a bunch of them. There are 707 houses in my neighborhood, so you really need to come drive through and see what you can find. My sister just rented a house over here.

    Woods at Jefferson is the name. Off Waggoner Rd, 1/4 mile north of Broad St.

  5. I forgot about the blood thinners. I had those when I spent 2 weeks in the hospital as well, no they are not fun. That sucks about the tube. When I was in there I had no appetite what so ever. I actually lost 48lbs in a week because I just wouldnt eat anything.


    I didn't have an appetite until yesterday. Im not really hungry but I cant stop thinking about food lol.

  6. Why?


    Pancreatitis, Docs say the Pancreas needs to completely rest in order to heal. When ever you eat or drink anything, it does the exact opposite. I have not been allowed to eat since I came in to the hospital on Friday evening. Supposed to show improvement after a couple of days and mine has actually started to get worse. They say I need my nutrients and what not, so feeding tube it is.



    The real shitty part is that I asked the Doc how long I will need the feeding tube until I get better. He said he has seen people take as much as 7-8 weeks, so its kind up in the air. I am really hoping that I can be back home before the weekend is over. On the flip side I get Dilaudid every 3 hours and Phenergan every 4hours. The shots of blood thinner in my stoma h hurt like shit though.

  7. :lol: thats a nice way of putting it




    You are awfully concerened about the poop pile. I think your hopes of the car having a mechanical failure shows that you are scared of it. Deep down inside you are petrified of the inevitable outcome. You've seen most of the set up and you added 2 + 2 and it = your ass getting handed to you by the ugliest thing since the bald bear.


    You really have been brainwashed by the dsm lovers. You have drank the juice. I have seen your set up and the only thing I am worried about is getting injured from being to close to that think when it starts shooting parts out of it.


    I'm not hoping on a mechanical failure. It is inevitable.



    the term "sell" was sarcasm, hence the quotation marks. Clearly the world would be better off would be better off w/o liars. Maybe you should kill yourself to make 1 less fibber. How about you just tell people that if you say you are going to sell something, that you are just saying that so you don't look like a Hitler loving Nazi with your swastika tatted on your shoulder.


    Your so racist. Assuming that since I am caucasion that makes me a Nazi. You actually called me hitler.


    Mods, is racism or racist remarks a banable offense even in the kitchen?

  9. not when you agree to give them to me fo free. You agreed, and I took you at your word as a friend. Last time I will do that. What does my poop pile have to do with the heads? you are trying to change the topic to show the world you are a boy touching pedophile. The least you could do is keep your word and "sell" me the heads, but instead you slap me in the face with your BK hands and post them up for a price that no one will pay. I hope those heads grow wings and fuck you in the intestine.


    This makes no sense. First im giving them to you but I offered to sell them to you? I'm so confused you filthy scumbag scammer. Your a liar flat out. Go spread your filthy lies somewhere else. This world would be so much better without liars in it.

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