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Everything posted by drblake

  1. That thing might be brighter than Las Vegas.
  2. drblake

    I'm lucky!

    Yeah, let's see some pics.
  3. Wow, that is all I have to say about that......wow.
  4. drblake


    It was pretty quick. The 6-speed tranny was a plus. The traction control kept it from spinning too much when I kicked it into 2nd. I think that they look pretty nice. They do look better topless though.
  5. drblake


    I took a Crysler Crossfire for a spin over the weekend and it was really nice. All stock so not overly fast but faster than anything I've ever gotten to drive. Quick through the gears and tight in the turns. Drove great. Really felt like a Mercedes which makes sense because it seems to be about 90% Mercedes.
  6. Welcome. I'm from Bainbridge but nobody knows where that is but currently I'm representing Dayton.
  7. wing = gayness grill = gayness (not as bad as the wing though) wheels = seen better (stock looks better than those) Other than that......nice car.
  8. Definitely would rather do that homework than what I have to do. Congrats.
  9. drblake


    Nothing but a fine. I can't see any reason for it being more no matter how old you are.
  10. Wow, I think that is all I can say about that......wow.
  11. I can see them doing something like that.
  12. Wow, I could use one of those for..............setting things at a distance on fire. That thing is awesome.
  13. Wow, she isn't too bad. I would have definitely done that at 14. He's my hero.
  14. He didn't even miss a beat he just kept right on driving. I would have had to stop a second at least to clean out my pants.
  15. I do like to hood, not ricey at all. Goes well with the top too. You must do them both for it to be right though. Can't have one without the other. There is a blue F-body at school that has the top painted silver and it looks pretty stupid without any other silver on the car.
  16. My insurance is going down by the month. 3 insurance points down and 5 to go.
  17. She needs to get into doing some pilates or something to tone up a bit. Then get some naked pics. Then sell them to me.
  18. I've got a car. Well, if you call a '70 El Camino a car.
  19. Maybe you should get the hood and windshield fixed first. Just a suggestion. Other than that......good lookin' idea. You should get one of those double decker wings like that one guy with the white firebird too. Hehehehehehe.
  20. Punch score = 73850 Great game.
  21. Too bad they are ugly.
  22. I second and third the nomination.
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