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Everything posted by drblake

  1. Go with the V. You'll be a better man for it. You might have to change your name though.
  2. Go for the Evo. Just do it for the change. Change is good.
  3. drblake

    The Vette

    There are quite a few rotts on there that are just waiting with rescue groups to be adopted.
  4. drblake

    The Vette

    You can also try www.petfinder.com
  5. It is also illegal to pass on a two lane without using a turn signal as a friend of mine found out and got ticketed for it.
  6. I have never had a front plate on any of my vehicles and I have never been pulled over for it. I would rather pay the ticket(s) than put one of those ugly things on.
  7. drblake

    good movies

    Boondock Saints. I liked it. Some may argue.
  8. 5'9"-5'11"? Are you inspector gadget?
  9. 1. Don't take creatine. You get great results but the side effects are similar to that of steroids. 2. Don't worry about the number of calories. Worry about the grams of protein and amount of A.A. 3. I would definitely suggest a multivitamin but if it is possible you should try to get all your vitamins in your diet without any supplements. 4. I am definitely anti-supplement so if you want to talk about unnaturally speeding the muscle building process you should talk to someone in GNC.
  10. If you want a good small dog for your grandma go with a Cavalier King Charles Cocker Spaniel. Also, I would advise against the puppy and get an adult. An old lady doesn't want to potty train a dog.
  11. It was a lot of fun driving around Dayton that night pulling cars out left and right. That doesn't make me miss my car any less in the summer though.
  12. Beavercreek = 18 inches, 1 hour away in Bainbridge = 3 inches of ice = no electricity for 4 days = state of emergency. Why am I going home for Christmas?
  13. That's pretty cool! Thanks!!
  14. I don't know how many of your lives have been effected by cancer but my life has and I want to make a difference. For that reason I joined the Team In Training. I am running a marathon(yeah, 26.2 miles) in order to raise money that goes toward finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. If any of you would like to make a tax deductible donation, my web site is http://www.active.com/donate/tntsoh/blakelloyd .
  15. Stem cell researchers: Go to Taiwan and become chef at "delicacy" restaurant.
  16. I dunno if this has already been addressed or not but second hand smoke(the smoke from the end of a cigarette or cigar or pipe, not what is exhaled) is termed "more dangerous" because it is not filtered. Not to say that a smoker doesn't also inhale that same stuff but they originally inhale "filtered" smoke which is supposed to filter out carcinogens. Either way, filtering smoke isn't very effective and the only way to truly be safe is to keep it out of your system 100%.
  17. Thanks buddy for clearing that up for everyone.
  18. They look real nice on that Formula. It would be a great investment.
  19. Wow, I wonder if he would loan me a couple hundred of those horses.
  20. Dayton = rice capital of the world. It also has more luxury cars with mods than anywhere I've ever seen.
  21. Wow, at least you ended up better than the bike.
  22. That probably looks better than the knee.
  23. Best one ever......"My name is Adam and every car I touch turns into a pile or wreckage. Hehe. Just kidding buddy.
  24. I have never had any troubles with RR and it is very fast for me. I guess maybe it is better in Dayton than it is in C-bus.
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