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Everything posted by drblake

  1. I think that it looks great. Besides, if in fact it does look "Grandma car" then what is not sleeper about that? Who's grandma is it who drives a supercharged truck anyway?
  2. Just ask someone at your local pet/fish store about it. I mean, algae eater is obviously your best bet but you have to find something that the Betas will get along with, that kinda limits your choices.
  3. drblake


    Adam, this weekend I'm gonna go hunting for them in a state park up here. Give me a call if you wanna find some big 'ns.
  4. That show is great. I'm ready for the new one also. I actually read the whole story behind the show one time. It is quite interesting.
  5. You think you were bored? That guy must have been really bored.
  6. Point well taken. But some lighter wheels = go faster part. Not much but every little bit counts.
  7. Why should they change a rule that has been in place for years now just for him? +91872341234 Supreme Court
  8. I would do a little research myself if I didn't have too much to do already so I guess I'll just let the experts dual this one out. I don't know enough about it to argue with anyone. The only thing I would be arguing would be my opinion and everyone has one of those so what's the use arguing about it?
  9. That is a little strange without a story. Please tell me there is a story behind that.
  10. Looks great. Wheels would be a definite good addition to the car.
  11. Being the boobologist that I am, I will have to say that those are definite D's. As for whether he deserved punishment and public embarrassment so sever.....not up to me to decide but those photoshops sure are funny.
  12. My girlfriend has a boxer and that thing is a hyperhypo dog. It seems to be somewhat human in its expressions. Very cool dog.
  13. It's definitely just you.
  14. Check the very first post, I'm not the first one to state that. I'm just saying that if it is true that Iraq exported 2 billion barrels in August then why are gas prices so high? They weren't this high before the war or conflict or whatever you want to call it.
  15. If Iraq did in fact have their first 2 billion barrel export of oil in August what the heck has happened since then? Why is gas so high? I guess the W is getting his way on that one.
  16. There you go Adam, steal your brother's engine. Good idea.
  17. Cory, by any chance did you go to LE?
  18. Not the sealed projectors. That is what I'm looking to put on. You know, like a Beamer or Audi or something.
  19. Can anyone help me with making some projector headlamps. I'm not sure quite how to do it and I'm thinking about upgrading my stock Eclipse headlamps.
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