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Everything posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. slacks, polo shirt, shoes you can shine No denim unless you are a regular there
  2. Anyone on the site still doing end of season lawn items? We just got back from out of town and need a yard cleanup (leaves/trim/mow/etc...)
  3. On a total lark ... anyone now of available office space in the polaris area? I'd like to find someone (attorney/relator/etc..) that has an extra office unit to lease.
  4. how can an angel break me heart?
  5. http://thumbnails-visually.netdna-ssl.com/what-a-police-officer-is-or-isnt-allowed-to-do-during-a-traffic-stop_544e5f311264f_w540.jpg
  6. I have a basic ryobi one from home depot Its probably disposable by other people's standards but it works, does the job, cheap
  7. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/10/15/ebola-stricken-nurse-flew-on-a-passenger-plane-a-day-before-being-diagnosed/
  8. 3.2/10 Should have posted photos, challenged people to 40 rolls, and 28 months later posted a progress pic looking good and nice start !!!
  9. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j236/Silveradoboy01/Picture%206-1_zpsb0e1c0d9.jpg
  10. Jackson1647545504


  11. Thats actually kind of cool to take that abuse and keep ticking ... #respect
  12. after making my standard asinine comment I looked up the PLR 481x ... sweet yeezus ... http://www.prolineracing.net/images/engines/481X.jpg
  13. imagine if he had a LS1 in there :gabe:
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