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Everything posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. Not a brag ... but it took me a while just to get 10 ...
  2. I'm really happy with my audemars daily http://splashysplash.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/audemars-piguet-diamonds-face-ifandco-ap-watch.jpg
  3. wow .... congrats on the score
  4. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152278510183313&set=vb.89562268312&type=2&theater :no:
  5. So your company wants to associate yogurt as semen on the mouths of dudes?
  6. http://weknowgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/black-guy-laughing-on-boat-gif.gif
  7. $800 ... I'm a little more flexible on price if someone wants it quickly (1/27 or 1/28) Its had a few rounds down range but its really like new in box .. has case, mags, lock, etc... I took this on trade with a few car parts to either sell/trade later or just live in the safe. PM me, I'm on the site often. Standard stuff ... age, id, etc... http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8035/8044519783_fd828327e7_c.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8180/8044524099_81b94499ab_c.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8457/8044531505_57e8249ac2_c.jpg
  8. http://www.dispatch.com/content/graphics/2014/01/25/name-changes-art0-gtgqpj2v-102-sexy-name-change-clh-jpg.jpg
  9. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2014/01/21/google-glass-at-easton-theater.html
  10. Scratch that response ... TMO does have better plan than what I was suggesting
  11. I just got a Galaxy Mega (6.3 inch screen) from ebay for ~$300 Its got S3 internals/screen but a little larger screen than the Galaxy Note with largest cell phone battery avail. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7436/11986380686_4939b254dc_c.jpg
  12. http://www.abc6onyourside.com/shared/news/features/top-stories/stories//images/camero_28713.jpg
  13. Plan C: Get a pre-paid sim card from TMO or StraightTalk Wireless but I'll use it just too little to really justify the $40 monthly and just enough where swapping a Sim card is idea.
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