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Everything posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. Not sure how feels about GNX ... Looks like something Pontiac has left over in the design files ... I'll take that top GN with black on black on black however
  2. A little more serious ... everything you need is in this forum ... http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/108/las-vegas-lifestyle/
  3. The Rhino (google image search result NSFW)
  4. its bluetooth with good range .... ~100+ feet on the other side of my house though walls it was changing songs.
  5. Its a decent watch for controlling your music without having your phone in hand... I upgraded the watch band to a wide leather one... I mainly use it when I'm at the casino and have headphones on ... http://distilleryimage6.ak.instagram.com/ba904054870411e3bbf012e2a305b086_8.jpg (I am one pale ass mofo ... embrace the paste ...I work in IT)
  6. I'd rock it (the car, white, red belts etc...) If the bumper is a real issue from a resale perspective I'd pass When you resell ... the buyer will see that paper trail and negotiate you down Ask the dealer for a better price for this reason but I wouldn't bluff I doubt they'd move on the price too much unless they've been sitting on the car for a while McLean is in the Washington DC metro area and I bet they push those cars like <<insert fat kid loves cake reference here or something witty>>
  7. $20 its yours ... polaris ... I have one
  8. Not to troll ... but sell it for some gas money bang for buck $200 doesn't go too far; wouldn't do under drive pully
  9. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/03/27/free-engine-replacement-for-2006-200-honda-civics/?intcmp=features
  10. this times 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  12. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7436/11986380686_4939b254dc_c.jpg Really like my Samsung Mega. For a phone today I'd probably jump to a Note3. This fall I'll probably upgrade my iPhone to the 5.7 if they make that size.
  13. brass fixtures ... 80s wants their gold back ... (best I could come up with ... much ass, so tits)
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