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Everything posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. $200 over the dealer's invoice. Its a 0 mile 2004.
  2. ... and my new bike http://photos22.flickr.com/31093891_7381bc01a3.jpg?v=0
  3. Is there a local place for getting PC parts that has close to / near online pricing?
  4. I'd say prune the member list ...
  5. Don't disable search on VB, otherwise it will suck as much as UBB.
  6. ... snob graemlins/nonono.gif
  7. Sounds like http://www.mtv.co.uk/wondershowzen/
  8. http://www.uniquepeek.com/fusion_pages/index.php?page_id=157 ... someone sent me the link via IRC ... simply passing along ...
  9. http://www.prodigyremixed.com/
  10. From the data Anthony has provided, I disagree. For sake of argument lets assume person A maintains their current body size at 4500 calories per day. Dieting would be to cut that in half. I maintain a weight of 178lbs and 14.2% body fat (used calipers last night) at ~2200 calories per day with vigorous strength training for 1 hour per day. No way would someone be able to maintain 4500 calorie intake and burn 2300 calories per day, thats like running a marathon. ToDo: 1) Get a log book and book of nutritional info. There is a desktop type book with green cover at most bookstores on this. I forget the title. 2) Write down everything you eat and be honest with yourself. 3) Start by cutting your portions in half (or third) and cut out the extra sugars (candy,pop, soda). 4) Start doing whatever exercise possible to boost your general physical preparedness (GPP).
  11. 3500 calories == 1lb Burn 3500 more calories than you take in and you'll loose 1lb. Weight loss is simple math. However, its not easy. You could loose weight eating snickers bars. I would not rule out any food. You simply have to controll the portion which inturn affects your caloric intake. Untill you get down to 10% body fat, its all about the number of calories. You will be hungry. What is the difference between a little hungry and a lot hungry, not much as its still annoying as f*ck. If you really want to loose weight, commit to it. A steady loss of 2-3lbs per week is a realistic goal for some time. Write down EVERYTHING you eat! Keep a journal and be honest with yourself. Count every calorie and weigh your portions. Go to the bookstore and get one of the green pocket food books with all the nutritional info in it. You probably won't loose significant muscle mass for some time. However, you will loose fat on top of the muscle which will have an affect on your physical perception of self. You'll have to look in the mirror and decide what physical appearance your happy with. I've never seen someone put on muscle without gaining fat or loosing fat without loosing (some) muscle. Eating a high-protien diet will help preserve muscle. If you're doing 2000 calories per-day and 100 grams of protien, you'll be eating a lot of lean meats, chicken, and vegetables. Muscle is 73% water anyways. If you feel bad just have some bread and water, you'll carb up quick. My friend and training partner did the same thing in the past 10 months. He went from 265 to 188 and stepped on stage at the Mike Francois, finishing in the top half of his class.
  12. "the shocker" was 2004 "the vulcan" is 2005
  13. Anyone else go see his show at the Funny Bone this weekend? Holy $hit did I laugh and drink my ass off. http://photos16.flickr.com/21728692_a8d3cd4a0e.jpg
  14. Anyone else go see his show at the Funny Bone this weekend? Holy $hit did I laugh and drink my ass off. http://photos16.flickr.com/21728692_a8d3cd4a0e.jpg
  15. Monday: Legs Tuesday: Bicepts Thursday: Back Friday: Chest If I can get in the gym other days I'll workout other parts, like shoulders. If you are serious about loosing weight, you'll keep a written journal of the foods you eat and count all calories. Obviously, cardio will help accelerate the weight loss. What you want to do is simple, but not easy. smile.gif
  16. 3500 calories per pound. Intake 3500 calories more than you burn, gain a pound. Burn 3500 calories more than you take in, loose a pound. You do the math. Its extremely simply, but not easy. Being fat is easy, healthy is a choice. Healthy doesn't happy by accident.
  17. Do what you love, you'll have to do it every day
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