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Everything posted by buelliganx1

  1. HMMMM Looks like the doc has designed a new flux capacitor. Since it's now in a probe you obviously must be abe to make the leap back in time at a much lower speed now.
  2. Must be a gang of idiots running around town, a couple of weeks ago someone tried to steal my dad's caravan. Busted out the window on the drivers side right under a street light as opposed to the passenger window wich is in the shadow of a tree and very hard to see at night. Then they tore the colum all up trying to get it to start but had no luck, idiots.
  3. The local news said that the driver took off on foot and left his girlfriend stuck in the car. Duh like she's not going to rat out on you after leaving her like that.
  4. I heard that the bill actually states that plumbers are exempt.
  5. I guess someone could explain what "octane" is so it might be a little easier to understand. To the best of my knowledge octane is just a rateing of a fuels ability to resist detonation. So like blackstang said use the lowest possible without your engine detonating but like renner said be aware if your vehicle has a knock sensor that will pull back timeing in order to stop knocking. I've heard that useing to high of an octane cane actually make less power because it's a slower burning fuel.
  6. OMG thank you blackstang, I cant tell you how many people I hear that think you can put higher octane fuel in yur tank and just make more power.
  7. Yep thats you I saw out by the ecp talkin to an s.p. I'm one of the few night-shift crewchiefs that work out here, you'll see me in either my all black 90 240sx, green 98 dakota thats lowered and has R/T rims on it or on my bright yellow 2000 Buell x-1. Too bad the have the road that goes to the fireing range closed off, there aint no speed traps out there.
  8. hey sapper 12b you dont happen to work out at rickenbacker do you? I saw a camaro that looked alot like yours out here tonight.
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