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Everything posted by buelliganx1

  1. Holy shit, says alot about how safe those cars are.
  2. In the words of Buford T Justice oooooffffff!!
  3. Even when I sprayed it thin it was not "glossy" and when I did it to thick it looked kind of "milky" for lack of a better term. But thats just what happened when I did it.
  4. Make sure you pick up some clearcoat when I used that stuff it had kind of a matt finnish untill I put a few coats of clear on it.
  5. Duh I graduated from whitehall I'm lucky I can turn on a computer.
  6. No shit. I thought it might have been the colective I.Q. of everyone in that store was enough to make the light glow. Actually my point was more along the lines of the fact that there is little electricity, fresh water, food to be found so how was this wal mart lucky enough to still have power and why is nobody useing this power (besides the looters)to help anybody. The cops are complaining cause they have no power to charge the battries in thier radios to communicate HELLO stop shopping for shoes and plug your charger in. Just make sure you keep an eye on it or it may walk off.
  7. Why the hell does that wal-mart have power?
  8. Just go to http://www.illwillpress.com/ and click on the hurricane report. Oh and buckeye I was thinking the same thing when I first saw this.
  9. Just an observation but he shifted into fifth gear at around 130mph and the rpm's dropped alot, did he put different gears in this thing cause the last colt I drove would not have been turning such low rev's at 130 in fifth, not that it would have gotten there because it didnt have a turbo or any kind of balls for that matter but the rpm's just seem awfully low to me.
  10. Yeah sorry about the echo guess 1quick7 posted while I was writing my post.
  11. Take 71n to 70e, get off at the rt37 exit and turn left you will now be going north. when you get to rt40 which I would guess is less than 3 miles up the road (rt 40 is the first stop light past the gas stations at the 37 70 interchange) turn left and the trails will be on tour right about a mile or so up the road.
  12. buelliganx1

    Air Show

    If anyone on here is interested in WWII acft this weekend their is a large airshow up in michigan, from the looks of the list of acft that are going to be there its going to be quite a show. Also I guess there is going to be a ground battle reinactment (sp?) This is the website if you interested. http://www.yankeeairmuseum.org/airshow/
  13. buelliganx1

    Bad Ass

    This ones pretty bad ass too http://www.ismckenzie.com/images/B_52_RC.html and yes it does have eight real jet engines. Here are some pics of it flying. http://www.mcgirt.net/RC/VIDEOS/Giant_B52/ in the last video you can see its fate.
  14. Mechanical Engineer You scored 100! You probably think this test is a children's book. You can set rod bearings to the exact clearance that the manual calls for with no margin of error. You can probably identify any car driving down the street within seconds, and you swear your car has a personality all its own. Congrats and happy motoring! My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender: free online dating free online dating You scored higher than 99% on Nuts and Bolts Youve got to look out for us quiet guys.
  15. Thats sweet, I've seen that happen before while driving and was amazed after looking around at other drivers that I seemed to be the only one that noticed. How can you miss something like that!
  16. Ok well then why the hell would you reply in a thread to see a car that someone said was ugly if you had already made your mind up that it was too ugly too look at. Use your head.
  17. Um why dont you just go to a dodge dealer or their web page if you want to see one. As a mopar guy I like the car and am impressed by the top of the line models performance "the srt/8" would I have called it a charger, no but it is a nice car thats not too bad looking. Just my opinion which doesnt amount to squat but its mine none the less.
  18. Your rear wheel shouldnt even have adjustments since it has a seperate pully that keeps tension on the belt. You probably only have to relieve the tension on the belt I'm guessing by turning the tensioner kinda like you would do to change a serpentine belt on a car then loosen the axel slide it right out and take the wheel off, Oh yeah dont forget the brake. But like I said I dont think there is any adjustment at all on the new buells.
  19. Those are not snipers in afgan it just a bunch of varmit hunting videos. Still very cool but unfortunately not terrorist.
  20. I'llprobably try to hit it on sunday or maybee friday if I get off early. Need some more parts for the old satellite.
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