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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. Nice car... Haters job is to hate... If you have them... You know you are doing something right...
  2. http://www.njaoc.net/media/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/CQB-R2.jpg I want to play too... I have no one to play with...
  3. 98dirtybird... saw you today on 270 close to 23 about 11:30 am... you need a winter car...
  4. For 900/month you will not have any problems in renting your house... just make sure you find someone that will take care of it and not trash it...
  5. sooner or later someone is going to get hurt... proof...
  6. i doubt he'll tell them he had nitrous on it... he has taken off the bottle and looks like he is in the process of taking off the lines too...
  7. if you want a cheeeeeep one, just go on ebay... not quality though...
  8. Dart block 302 Ford, to a 331 Stroker with an 88mm in an FD... or a 402 with a single...
  9. John...i got them 99 Cobra wheels if you want them???
  10. There are a few places to play around Columbus... I play all the time...
  11. Language... http://popculturewilleatitself.com/youtube/2007/01/14/full-metal-rudolph-nsfw/
  12. Nice... i like it... welcome...
  13. ICEMAN1647545504


    Go back to school you stupid fuck...
  14. Nice looking car and also some nice numbers... would like to see some vids of it this spring...
  15. I dont know them, but they are on the ODRA site all the time...
  16. I might get the whole car off of you... see your PM...
  17. http://youtube.com/watch?v=uJb1PThiHm8&feature=related I have not seen any of his videos in a while and this made me laugh...
  18. Lani... i think it's the same guy...
  19. I think this fag just opened another account...
  20. This is going to be a good one...
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