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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. My car is in my garage... you are more than welcome to stop by and see it...
  2. so far you are the only one talking shit... not me... i keep telling you my car is not running... why do you keep posting shit and keep calling me out... I CAN NOT RACE... GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD... It is not possible for me to race my car... when it is done it will be a different story... until than shut the fuck up...
  3. As a mater of fact i didnt even say a thing that night... you were running your mouth of how fast your 98 camaro was. I told you both that the clutch was not in my car that night and i will not be able to run. I never said taht my car is going to come out, and i never said that i left to get my car. I left because i had different plans for the evening. like i said... when the car is done you will get a call...
  4. Sorry if i came out the wrong way. I didnt mean it. Last time i saw you drive your car was a couple of years ago and as you agree you were not the best driver behind the wheel. I made the mistake and said something about that. I HAVE NOT SEEN YOU SINCE. Maybe you got used to your car and got better... I'm glad your car is running... mine is not, and it sucks... By the way, Joe saw my car last year when it was running and we talked for a while... See you out Joe...
  5. Well it has not been years... maybe a year... but like i said... I'm not talking shit, I'm just saying that my car is not running right now... That's it... You will get a call as soon as it is running... Trust me, I'm salty that my car is not running but i just dont have the time to mess with it right now. Let's just leave it at that... i dont feel like turning this into a 5 page BS thread... PM me if you need to talk further...
  6. Hey man... she is right... it's hard to argue with that...
  7. I need to get some time and put my shit togather. The procharger is not even in the car now and it probably will not be in till sometime in the middle of next month. I just dont have the time to work on it. Not to be a dick or anything and this is not shit talking, but it will not be a close race between my car and yours (we might run them mid summer or something, if i'm lucky to get the car done by then... fucking Fords...). I'll race you in the Z28 though and you should match up fine against it!!!
  8. Yeah the R6 was with us also... A few runs were made with the R6 also earlier that evening and the result was very positive for the LS1 . By the way, not to be an ass or anything but the LS1 took both races from 70-75 roll and 40-45 roll. Like i said, after playing with the R6 all night long it was nice to run a car and thank you for being a good sport and giving the GTI hell :thumbup:. Next time I see you out we might talk a bit. Later...
  9. I just want to give props to the red GTI on 71 today. Nice two runs, and your car looks very good and sounds NASTY when that turbo spools up. The Z28 we ran you with belongs to LSWON333 on the board here. Anyways thanks for playing along... Later...
  10. Jegs on 11th... as always... 8:30... don't be late...
  11. What happened to QS&L??? or is it too far for everyone?
  12. Yeah you can... it's called a case of beer... and maybe some shots of Jose Q, 1/5 of Jim or something... if you really want to do it... the rest of us stick to Sprite...
  13. Slow down next time Rigs...
  14. Hey Hey Hey Hey... You are the one talking shit... I have a red Z28 that wants some by the way... I'll just sit in the passenger seat and wave at you as we pull on you... By the way, as soon as the transmission is in my car we can line up... I'll even give you a few and the go... (not talking shit... just trying to make it fair)
  15. Hey Ben... I was with LSWON333 at QS&L last weekend and the red Z28... It was nice talking to you... we had to cut the night short though... You might be able to get some runs with him this weekend... Welcome... Later...
  16. Now how the fuck are you supose to compete with that... I bet you the machene can't eat pussy though...
  17. Rabit... you dont need a bike... maybe a huffy...
  18. Cut his dick off... and the balls too...
  19. Why are people wasting time on this thread... Including me... this shit is retarded... Go buy a flux capacitor instead of the driveshaft and hit 88mph so you can go back in time and smack yourself right before you pushed the new thread button... Ok... I hope this helps... http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e156/iceman1234t/noob9ha.jpg
  20. Patrick Barnhill??? By the way, I would like to know who that is regardless... http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e156/iceman1234t/nowherethread.jpg
  21. That's Vampire Killer... not Viper Killer... you guys are reading the plate wrong...
  22. Dont they have taller buildings there???
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