Ok. A little summary. You are 20 years old with no credit besides the student loan. You are making $8.50 an hour, that is $1473.33 (not including 40+) in grouse monthly income and you just started your new job. Having that student loan you might have a beacon score and that score might be little high (if you are not derogatory on it) but still I don’t think that is enough credit to get the car just in your name. You have $2000.00 to put as a down payment so on a $14K loan you are looking to finance about $12K. You most likely will qualify as a first time buyer program, but that only qualifies you up to $7500.00. Now if you had a job experience for more than 2 years, in no more than 2 jobs, you might qualify up to $10k. Putting your dad as a co-signer might help, despite his loans and the debt to income ratio. Depending on the dealership and the lending companies they use and the volume of business they sent to those lending companies they might qualify you for primary financing (bigger dealerships), and your interest rate will be around 10% roughly. But for secondary financing the rate will range between 18-24% (for most secondary lenders). A larger down payment will help you a lot. I will give you some estimates on some payments you are looking to have for primary and secondary financing. Note that for secondary financing to qualify for a 60 month loan is nearly impossible with no credit.
For primary financing.
$14000 vehicle, $2000 down Franklin County sales tax is 6.75%
10 % interest 60 month loan $277.85
10 % interest 48 month loan $331.67
For secondary financing.
18% interest 48 months $384.14
18% interest 36 months $472.77
24% interest 48 months $426.34
24% interest 36 months $513.05
This estimate is using the latest version of Tracker Suite for Windows AND IS JUST AN ESTIMATE. You might want to get a second opinion. Just don’t have too many people pull your credit. I think that it will be a easier to get approved for a new vehicle due to their 2004 clearence. Like i said get a second oppinion.