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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. "Don't say my car is topless, Say the titties is out" -- "Nas" Welcome... I hope you brought the humor...
  2. http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e156/iceman1234t/untitled.jpg
  3. if only Titanic had a few of those girls on board... would have been a diferent story...
  4. That's going to be a one messed up pussy...
  5. They might need just a couple more ice cream seasons and they will be ready...
  6. If you change the cluster the car will be a TMU (True Miles Unknown) and the car looses more value than with the miles... point of the story... dont change it...
  7. if you do not mind the drive than i would suggest Wayne National Park... the have a LOT of trails to ride on...
  8. http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e156/iceman1234t/untitled.jpg
  9. i saw it at trails a few weeks ago... he made a couple of runs...
  10. GT 40's... I dont think that mod motors ever had GT40's available for them... oh buy the way 01 GT has 2 cams not a camshaft...
  11. Trails has the all motor shoot out on Sat. It was wery interesting last year...
  12. I saw him race a lowered busa with full exhaust and maybe something more on that stock 636 on friday night and worked him 4 times in a row. He can ride a bike with the best of them and does not need to be underestimated...
  13. Nice ride Nick... I saw your old Mustang a couple of days ago also...
  14. Easton has a couple of nice spots... all depends of what king of pics are you looking to take, background and stuff will have a major part in it...
  15. I think they open at 4pm and it is till 11pm... usually you should be able to get about 3-4 runs. i dont think that fridays are that busy...
  16. So where do you work now???
  17. I'm inetersted in 1 maybe 2... PM me your number
  18. http://www.stangbangerz.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21837
  19. 60??? just tryign to make a deal...
  20. Even though he knocked the guy out, he still lost the fight due to disqualification
  21. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yup... Totaly saw it comming...
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