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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2009/1/6/633668814956602165-Disappointment.jpg
  2. Looks like rain to me. I dont think I'll be chancing it.
  3. I played a bit in middle school when I lived in Australia. My dad played all the way through high school and for the Australian national team 1975-1980. He has a room dedicated to Rugby and his playing days at his house and watches old tapes from his playing days every once in a while. It's fun to watch.
  4. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1783963470.html He wants $6000 OBO. Show up with cash and take it home.
  5. ESPN3 will have them on, but your internet provider has to be approved through them or some BS like that to be able to watch them.
  6. Do they have good tires on them??? Whats the bolt pattern?
  7. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_dlkAw43cLC0/SSgRM1sNeaI/AAAAAAAAA_g/hirSUkshTsc/s800/25-im-going-home.jpg
  8. I just got me a new HD camera and a tri pod that I'm going to try out. We should have some good video. Let's hope people show up.
  9. Yeah, the second one for some reason it looks "cleaner" so I like it better.
  10. My grandmah has a Hyundai for a daily!!! Oh I'm sorry. It's her track car. Her daily is the Daewoo. BTW I'm serious. She has a Hyundai and a Daewoo.
  11. Go to the stadium. I got some good seats for $14 last time I was there.
  12. It does not matter. He left. He chased him down. He should have not moved at all. I understand. They should have made it right and went at it again. You don't understand. If you move at all you make it a race no matter if he is 6 bikes back or a half a track ahead of you. You do not move. Erik didn't know the guy left so he took off and made it a race, like it or not. Like I said, it was a dickhead move by the guy on the 14 but it was still a race. They should have restarted the race again and made it right.
  13. But that's why you set before the race, if the other bike leaves first he looses. If not, chase is a race and he can take the advantage of Erik not looking and not expecting the other bike to leave. It's a dickhead move to do but a chase is a race and that's why you iron this out before the race.
  14. That's why you set the rules of the race before the race. If not chase is a race. When Erik opened the throttle it sounded like he took off but he didn't and that's why the other bike left. I don't think he ment to leave on purpose.
  15. It does not matter how many bikes you are set out. You move, it's a race. If you don't want to make it a race you don't move.
  16. I have seen a race in Dayton between a turbo Busa and a nitrous Busa. The turbo bike had the go but the nitrous bike took the go anyhow. The turbo bike moved maybe a foot or so and stopped after the nitrous bike took the go. He moved and lost the race. I saw him pay $1000 even though he had the go.
  17. It don't matter. He got hustled. I have see that happen on the street plenty of times. If both racers leave and it is a race. No matter who had the go.
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