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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. Good stuff man... Looks like a nice car... BTW you will get raped next year by your old notch Ahmed... I'll show you why turbo > s/c... Hehe...
  2. That place of Sancus and Polaris is awesome... That is the place to go... Right behind City BBQ...
  3. For some reason my "give a fuck" meter is down to zero...
  4. I have seen this car on the road a couple of times... Looks nasty... Good luck with the sale man... Sharp car...
  5. I smell a car put together party... At 19psi maybe replace a motor party... hehe...
  6. Looney toons is the only thing that pops in my head now...
  7. Nice pick up... A kid on here posted that car just a few weeks ago as a new member... Dont know what the story is on it...
  8. Im going with a stock 302 for now. I got 4 stock 302's sitting, so Im going to try to blow them up before I do anything better... But I do plan to do the R block and a 331 stroker in the distant future... For now i was just going to use the 70mm and a little spray... Did you change anything to the kits since the one I have??? Any upgrades to tubing or anything??? I may want to upgrade if you have some better stuff???
  9. If a person does that to a child, I dont think that persons life is worth the price of the bullit. Axe to the head is my choice...
  10. How much do you want for this if you would sell it???
  11. A cheap pump or something will do just fine... Needed for shooting tin cans... Thank you...
  12. It's a nice piece but just a little too much... Sorry... I'll get her something nice later...
  13. Not a problem man... I dont need it... but I want it... for the right price I can justify buying it... $85 is a little too rich for me...
  14. Chad... How big of a difference in spool is between the 70mm and the 76mm (where do you see a full spool on the 76mm)... I think I'm going to need the extra 6mm... My girlfriend told me so too...
  15. I think Anthony said he is going to have it regardless...
  16. They are nice cars and they dont have much problems... Good pick up...
  17. Hey man... I used to have an X series... Wait... I am an asshole... Sorry...
  18. I like the 22's but I kinda want her to get used to a little kick... 9mm would be perfect I think... Just let me know what you got...
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