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Rally Red Evo

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Everything posted by Rally Red Evo

  1. Congrats and welcome to the tax breaks!
  2. Keep your Jetta unless you have another car you can drive. The 308 is a very nice car, but read up on them.
  3. You should be able to get WOW. I have Insight now and I am switch to WOW. Better pricing with WOW right now.
  4. It is always amazing what we really don't know about our planet.
  5. I'm not real big into wine either. The best I have had are Chianti's. To me they are smooth and not as bitter as most wine.
  6. Its a tough call between the two each has its pluses in areas as clearly stated already. If it was me I would go with the Z06. IMO the Z06 is a better all around car than the Cobra is. I don't think you can go wrong with either car. Also look at what is used and pick up the best overall deal.
  7. Over 600 HP shouldn't you trap over 123 MPH?
  8. I believe the 98 GTP already used the Z28 front rotors and brakes.
  9. How many miles? I had a 98 GTP and it went through the trans in under 60,000. All in all a nice car, also really ate brakes.
  10. I have always like the S7, but if you are going to spend a few 100K why not spend a little more and get a Enzo?
  11. Can't be any good has less torque than HP
  12. Seat belts are good for 5 years currently in the SCCA I believe. There was talks to reduce that, but I have not checked to see if they were passed.
  13. Geiger came in after Bruce was already fired graemlins/wtf.gif
  14. You could pretty much tell this was going to happen. He was going to retire in a little over a year anyway.
  15. Found it on another forum. No idea how he found it.
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=88433&item=5546965726&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW graemlins/wtf.gif
  17. Western Auto can usually get NGK's in a day if they do not have them in stock.
  18. I went about 48 hours a few days ago. Wasn't that bad, worse thing was trying to keep my fish tanks warm and decent water quality.
  19. Is she going to drive it year round? All will be a big change from the VW in winter. I'm not a big fan of the RX8 or the IS 300. I would take the G35 over the Caddy based on looks.
  20. Turbo should be same as your sprint key. Or try the ctrl key.
  21. I use Nero along with DVD shrink to burn DVD movies and never had one bad. But that is all I have done with it.
  22. Well thats not something you see everyday. How do you find this crap? Somethings are better just not acknowledged.
  23. Strange the auto is faster than the standard?
  24. What they do is "contour" the flow of air over the roof line to the rear wing. Idea is to add more rear downforce.
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