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Everything posted by OGRE

  1. he was a good ballplayer, and obviously a selfless human being.
  2. OGRE

    Henry Earl

    HAHAAHAHHAAHHAHA HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHHA rap sheet: http://henryearl.messedup.net/rap_sheet.html can't . . . Stop ... laughing!
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA graemlins/thumb.gif
  4. I've only had sex with one woman, what's wrong with that?
  5. OGRE

    To the married guys...

    Yeah, right before i turned 21 the longest relationship other than my wife ended (9 months) i was pissed because she cheated on me with a 30 year old cross eyed piece of shit that i could rip in half without thinking. After about a wek of being bummed and drinking heavily, and feeling how you described. I decided to just have fun with chicks, date around, have fun. it was great for about 9 months, but got kinda empty just brining them back from parties and booting them out when i was done. But i never LOOKED for a relationship at that time, the one i have i just kinda fell into. IMO the best relationships happen when you don't try to make it happen.
  6. in the supplimental draft there is a small pool of players in this years case 2. clarrett and the USC WR. If they win, they go in the same order as the draft on saturday & sunday asking each team, do you want either of these players. if the first 5 teams say no and the 6th team says they want the USC wide out, they get him but give up next years round 1 pick. and if they go through the list of teams and no one picks clarret, they start over again for round 2 meaning any team picking him will have to give up a 2nd round pick. and the procces goes untill the 7 rounds are up or the draft pool is empty (fist round if teams are crazy enough) The Browns picked Bernie Kosar up via the 1985 supplimental draft. there are only 7 rounds now.
  8. you forgot http://www.victorystore.com/gifts/democrat/kucinich-button.jpg
  9. and the stuff they say on there is hilarious. "She got to the wood, and went down hard" "Yeah, she's a trooper ken."
  10. they didn't rule on the case, the 2 justices said they would not overturn the stay that the other court ruled. there could still be a supplimental draft. but about clarret: HAAA HAAA FUCKER!
  11. If every party that did shady stuff in the last election were thrown out of the race, there would be no candidates.
  12. check your facts, iraq was only exporting 1.5 million barrels a day when saddam was cranking them out. that isn't even half a billion barrels in 7 months.
  13. *Warning Sexist Below* tap some tight asian ass.
  14. muslum extremist = KKK on crack, not iraq, you'd think a genuis would have gotten that one we pull out and they will still attack us on our own shores. if you don't believe that i'm sorry we are just going to have to dissagree. had to look this up. http://info.astrian.net/jargon/terms/g/Godwin_s_Law.html Internet geek rules = graemlins/gay.gif Redneck says graemlins/finger.gif to inter-dweeb law.
  15. Read between the lines, The slanderous vid even said fellons, not democrat fellons. Don't be fooled the florida election was manipulated by both parties, right mark?
  16. DAMMIT!!! i KNEW it was comming i though it would be the first pic, or second. and let my gaurd down trying to listen. good one.
  17. First off, did we provide Iraq with something that its people wanted, or did we provide it with what we would have wanted. It's an important question involving morals. considering 60% of the iraqi population was shitte, and they wanted us to help them throw out saddam in desert storm, my guess would be yes. Secondly, for those who think Clinton did nothing in the middle east during his regime, go back and read some newspapers from the era. I know for a fact that he sent people over to shoot people and break stuff, because I was one of the people he sent. We went over to blow up Saddam when he wasn't being cooperative about inspections. We attempted to blow up Bin Laden, but he wasn't home. Just a couple of examples, there are more if you look for them. I'm sorry, your right, clinton bombed an asprin factory and launched a couple cruise missles, yeay. Also, we did not go over to Iraq to remove Saddam from power because we are good people and the Iraqis deserve it. We went over for other political reasons, mostly to benefit ourselves. if You mean the political reason of beginning to change the middle east so that it isn't a breeding ground for terrorists that want to kill anyone who doesn't believe in thier twisted view of thier religon. i agree. hell no, that we are there is to help iraqi's is not the reason. But but a good side effect, we are there to plant democracy and freedom in the middle of the middle east. Because, freedom is like a virus, once people see that others have it and they don't, they fight like hell to get it. Iran is already getting unstable. Free countries don't support terrorists. if we don't take care of the problem now it will be at our front door later on. Winston churchill warned that hiltler needed to be thrown out of power years head of time, and everyone thought he was nuts, untill he had half of europe. Will we wait untill a couple baseball staduims are leveled to the ground or another 9/11 type event untill we do something? we tried tht before. I think the main question we need to ask, is "Why are the kooky arabs trying to kill us in the first place? Anyone know the answer? I do. Post here if you can venture to take a guess. There is a simple solution. take your pick: -they are the KKK on crack and hate everyone but thier own and the rest are infedels. -they think they can get away with it. they learned fomr viet nam and korea that America is weak and will reteat with enough bloodshed, and they don't have the resolve to finish the job. -they see that in the past we didn't give a shit about them as a people as long as we had oil coming in. -because we left them high and dry after gulf war 1. -because they hate jews/israel and as thier ally we are in the way of them taking israel out. -or that the U.S. put saddam in power inthe firstplace. there isn't one magic answer. different portions of the population that isn't for the U.S. dispise us for different reasons. does anyone think a terrorist wants bush in office for 4 more years? hell no.
  18. "Two friends of mine just had a kid. . . they have a child to take care of as well. Should we spend $575,000 on one Tomahawk Cruise missle, or should we give 57 couples each $10,000 to help with all of the things new borns need during their first year?" Here is a novel idea, get a better job, don't have kids unless you can afford them. I find it ammusing that so many people scream for the government to get out of peoples lives, but when somone makes a decision that puts them in a bind, somone points them out suggesting the government should give them a handout It's NOT the governments Job to feed 57 newborns, It's the 114 parents jobs. why should the governmet give them 10 grand, the way you tell it it doesn't seem like they paid 10 grand in taxes. "homeless" This country has more opprotunity than any other IN THE WORLD, Over half the millionares in america today are SELF MADE!! If you are homeless there are programs to help. Just ignore the fact that 99% of homeless people fucked up thier own life in some way to put them self in that possition. Also, what's the use if we help somone get a house and a job if they get blown up while they are at work. If we ignore the threat, as clinton did and bush did initially, They will come back!! Live in your happy joy joy world of pre-September 11, 2001 but terroism in the U.S is real and planting democracy and freedom in the middle east WILL reap benifits in the future, as it is today. Do you think iran would have halted it's nuclear program had it not been for us? How many countries want bush out of power? 1. the ones that support terroism 2. france, germany and russia that had Huge contracts with Iraq, many going against U.N. law better ways to protect the U.S.? we tried talking, and diplomacy remember? it got more americans killed. Bad guys bombed the world trade center in 1993, what did we do, jack shit. we sit on our asses for 8 years thinking our oceans will protect us and then the same people come back to finish the job. In jordan this week terrorists were caught with a chemical bomb, a WMD that the terroists got from seria (sp?) where did seria get that stuff? "So if you were an Iraqi who's father or mother was killed during this, what would you think?" I love it when fucking liberals use single examples as reference the the bigger picture, fact is for every 1 innocent iraqi that loses thier life by US error there are many more people who's life is remarkably better, who's child, or father was released from an iraqi prison. or gets to go to school because of us, but that would be to possitive, huh? "Would you want to get everyone who agreed with you to seek revenge for the terrorist acts that were brought upon you by a foreign nation?" that's what were doin buddy graemlins/thumb.gif I don't mean to piss anyone off or offend anyone. This is just my personal opinion. not pissed, not offend, I'm sorry your opinion On this subject is misguided and fucked up.
  19. + 1 for not participating in te[/b]h dumbness
  20. OGRE

    Need a place to stay.

    500 a mo with garage & storage in hilliard, good luck. I have a basement with a hideaway.
  21. look at No.1 OSU athlete EVAR. Archie "Freaking" Griffith. After he ended his short lived pro career, he came back to columbus as being "ARCHIE!" He's idolized here. just for playing balls out and keeping his ass out of trouble at OSU. I would look to this as an example, not piss off te[/b]h buckeye nation.
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