Is this the first time you have seen this animal? Sounds like a Semi Suburban enviroment?
First I'd make sure your property is clean of any attractions; Trash cans are secure or in a garage, dog food is not left outside, and your landscape is free of atractive hiding spots(tall grass, over grown bushes n-such.) They primarily eat mice, ground hogs, rabbits and other rodents so the less of them you have around the better. They do also consume fruits veggies and trash.
If you see it again scare it. If it's at a safe distance take a step outside your door make yourself big (arms out chest out) and yell as mean and loud as you can, even throw rocks at it. Don't approach it just let it see you. Mounting a motion sensor light may help scare it off at night when your sleeping.
Wolves are Coyotes natural enemies. Placing wolf urine in areas its been hanging out may keep it away
You could try and trap it but this will prove to be difficult as they are cautious animals. Cage traps won't work. The DOW often recomends you euthenise it after being trapped rather than relocating it.
Poison is an option but not a recomended one as it's considered inhumane by some and posses a deadly risk to other living things.
You really don't want this thing making a den out of your foundation or in your yard, let alone it thinking its a great spot for a midnight snack.
Call the DOW or Animal Control first.
If okayed and a must, shoot it with a large enough caliber bullet. Shot should be taken by an expert marksmen.