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Everything posted by SilverEvo8owner

  1. It was already off the ground but one little gust and they'd be toast
  2. nothing a can of raid cant fix
  3. So you had a pretty good view of ralph's crash huh And the crash in turn 1 also
  4. SilverEvo8owner

    New Member

    ,.'..'.,,.,. You forgot these...... tongue.gif .
  5. SilverEvo8owner

    New Member

    whats up with the european tags? And copying my damn name!?!?! j/k
  6. did you happen to see anybody get in and out of it if they were over 6 foot tall then it would be a funny sight i tried getting in and out of one and it sucked +1 on the picture thing
  7. they ran 10.01 like yesterday or something
  8. Z06's are only five speeds? I thought they were 6
  9. From what I could tell it was a very very bad wreck. Over the median wall, I could see some kind of piece of metal dangling off of something on the ground. I think they may have done a life flight.
  10. can you play games on it?
  11. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG Road head anyone?
  12. well from what mark has told me, the tune on it is very safe tune His Egt's and a/f ratios are pretty low plus with a cat and pump gas Looks good Randall smile.gif
  13. i live off of western ave. and yes i am in columbus ALL the time
  14. Its right in my back yard smile.gif (theoretically speaking) Lots and lots of nakedness but they are cutting down on the underage drinking
  15. my brother talked to him on sunday he said he blew his tranny and was 7k to fix it
  16. some boost controllers will hold the wastegate shut until a desired boost then convert to your duty cycle for instance you want to run 20 psi on a lot of them you can set it to have 100% duty cycle until it reaches 18.5 or so and then it will convert to your duty cycle so youll hold 20 psi
  17. some boost controllers will hold the wastegate shut until a desired boost then convert to your duty cycle for instance you want to run 20 psi on a lot of them you can set it to have 100% duty cycle until it reaches 18.5 or so and then it will convert to your duty cycle so youll hold 20 psi
  18. SilverEvo8owner

    IQ Tests

    Hmmm. My 14 year old brother took the iqtest.com one and got a 159, completing it in 9 minutes. I watched him do it too. Then again he did start high school at 13. But I don't know how reliable that test is so......
  19. Yeah its starting to get bad becasue there are more and more turbo cars down in chillicothe. All the Bov's drivce everybody crazy And apparently they have started racing on one of the back roads so i hope that nobody gets hurt I have a bunch of poepl call me out but most of them just want to see my car run LOL when that kid tore up his clutch, he pulled his e-brake, lit em up in first and second but he went all the way to fifth gear and thought he was burning the tires but the smoke was from his clutch actually
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