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Everything posted by SilverEvo8owner

  1. Honestly the transmission is the last thing that I would worry about in the drivetrain as they are extremely stout. There are plenty of cars out there with just freshened up gear sets (mainly for easier high rpm shifting) that run 9's. Where you run into trouble is the stock transfer case. Without a rebuild, wheel hop kills them pretty quickly. If you can avoid that then you are pretty golden. I rarely have heard of transmissions going before something else. Ironically, more people blow t-cases on stock sized turbos than with big turbo high hp cars. I think the 5 speed and 500 hp is just fine.
  2. I get mine out in two weeks with only local numbing... ugh The extra 700 bucks didn't seem worth it to be knocked out.
  3. 03 evo 8 90k it now Yikes! engine block mods? ARP mainstuds and conrod bolts, buschur race bearings head mods? Headstuds tranny mods? short shifter and bushings, needs a rebuild type of clutch? centerforce turbo set ups? stock suspension set ups? tein springs and rear sway bar best 1/4 time and trap? n/a 349awhp at 19.5 psi 364awhp at 22.5
  4. http://www.quickpwn.com I just did it last night and I love it. It didn't work the first time but it ended up going through the second. Read up on the forums and download the program. I wish I did this months ago...
  5. 100 million bong hit? Could be after the endorsements he could potentially lose.
  6. I need some help. I have spent so time looking around trying to find out the deal on these things. I am planning on picking a Samsung LN52A850 52inch lcd HDTV and I am planning on placing it above my fireplace. The tv is a 120hz tv and in order to mount it cleanly, I am probably going to need at least a 25 foot cable. The only cable available at best buy is a rediculous 399 dollar cable thats 35 ft long. The guy said that if i have a 120hz cable I need a 120hz capable cable. It this correct or is he giving me the run around? ANy gurus?
  7. what program did you use?
  8. i would like to know this as well...
  9. Terrible News I for one feel for you because I lost my dad to cancer when I was 12. Best of Luck and keep going strong.
  10. hmmm never seen your car How long have you had it? Welcome
  11. Finally got her home Her name is Layla, she is nine weeks old and is the cutest thing I have ever seen... Sorry for crappy iPhone pics... So far she has been a breeze. Little potty accidents here and there but mainly all she does is sleep. She is almost potty trained and working on kennel training. Wish me luck! http://s723.photobucket.com/albums/ww232/Thompsce/Layla/
  12. +1 Thats where I found my boxer that I havent posted pictures of yet...
  13. I'm sure the other racers enjoyed following this thing especially for what it throws at the end.
  14. They were both quite gracious with each other after the fight. I think that those tiny hammer fists were more out of respect and he was trying not to really hurt him. It was clear that he could throw 5 or 6 huge blows and really fuck him up but that would had to have been his motive. All he really needed to prove was that Corture wasn't able to protect himself (which he wasn't) to end the fight. I always hate it when some of these idiots insist on pounding these opponents while they resemble rag dolls more than fighters.
  15. Drive an Evo 9 too. They are capable of doing the same thing...
  16. Well that sucks. That will break my girlfriend's heart I'll keep that in mind
  17. I think I have found my girl... Im gonna be in Dallas over Thanksgiving so it would be nice come back with this! So Cute http://www.puppyfind.com/view_listing/?list_id=oi3v9k3h59&back=&sid=6d1cf778e9b3bedabe3907c16e6b6f8f
  18. Great info from everone thanks a lot. My concern is that I am at school so all kinds of people come and go. So I am concerned if they will try to be over protective or sociable. I am glad to hear that they are not a one owner dog. I don't think that I would have a problem keeping it occupied but I would just hope that if I leave the house that it wouldn't tear it apart. Also barking all the time would drive my roommates mental. Color wise, I am more interested in a flashy fawn rather than the darker colored ones. How is the demeanor between males and females? I assumed that females would be a little less crazy so I am leaning more that way. I have never had a dog before so I want to be wary of a dog that will be a problem to train or control. Tim, a 77lb female seems huge! Is it common for them to get that big? I don't know if I or my belongings could handle an 80 lb dog.
  19. Anybody one here have a boxer? I have been wanting a dog for a while and lately I have been leaning towards a Boxer. How are these dogs? Do they have any health issues? How are they obedience wise, energy level, mischievous, and temperament? Does anybody know of any breeders? Thanks Chris
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