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Everything posted by SHIEF

  1. No, he doesn't. That 57 chevy wasn't built by him. There's a big thread on YB about a chassis he did for a guy. A lot of things wrong, including not welding all around the tubes, filling in empty spots with jb weld/silicone. But somehow leaving his shop with a chassis cert lol. Ill look it up later for you.
  2. That get done at jeff lutz shop? Oh, no I see the weld made it almost all the way around.
  3. Some wheels with a nice lip on them and that's a pretty good looking car. Although yours should have more stickers.
  4. Is this that type of car that people watch to see what "angle" they take on the approach, to the parking area? If so, I see a build thread in my future.
  5. SHIEF

    Bee Keepers?

    On this mtv episode of true life: I got stung 41 times by yellow jackets in the pataskala park before a soccer game (I was like 11)..........on team picture day. Me and my buddy ran across a log that was out in the open. He got stung 30 something times also. Didn't even know what happened but was about 5 seconds. They were under shinguards and in my shoes, crazy. 2 other kids got stung when soccer balls went down in the woods. 1 girls game, girl went to get the ball (kind of went down a hill towards the woods) she didn't come back up and was stung close to 300 times. She lived, but they closed the park down for awhile to kill those fuckers.
  6. Hmm...well I did 1.51/1.53 over and over and over again when I was running 11.70's (due to head/cam issue). So I'd say that idea aint worth a velvet painting of a whale and dolphin gett'n it on.
  7. Always had a weird liking for these cars too. That 2.3 is a great platform.
  8. Those wheels look perfect on that Soarer.
  9. If you want a trophy then no. That is cheating.
  10. Can we have a class that if you cannot make a drive-thru order in a normal drive-thru ordering level that you're eliminated? It really keeps the "street" in street car.
  11. I see it all the time out on jobs, which only adds to my dislike of unions and most of the guys that work in them. Self-entitlement is why your jobs go across the ocean. I feel like I need a break after all that typing. <-----that's how it works.
  12. That makes sense and I'd do the same. Was thinking more for local people. But if a rule applied to me not being able to trailer my car there, then I wouldn't include myself in that class.
  13. I think the driving in the rain stuff is a bit much, but driving your car to the track is a must for street class. We can't all just tell our gf to "hit this button and just floor it". Some will have to drive when they are at the track also
  14. Was a mechanic for my dads shop forever off and on. Its tough working for family. Now I do concrete sawing/drilling/excavating/concrete pour-backs. Its physically hard not mentally hard like being a mechanic is. I don't mind the physical part. Pays good and I get to see a lot of behind the scene stuff most don't.
  15. I have a buddy who's an expert at coyote. Yes coyote. Lemme give him a call and have him check it out.
  16. Not sure on what your next step will be, but if you need the floor cut out let me know. I'll give a CR hookup.
  17. SHIEF

    Sochi LOLs

    I didn't mean the country, but of the events going on. Which makes them look bad. Should've worded that better.
  18. SHIEF

    Sochi LOLs

    Russia seems like a joke. That's why all these Russian guys get wasted and decide to jump off a building. Now Russian women on the other hand (speaking hot/cute here), I love them. Just something about them and the way they talk. Ever since that myrtle beach trip..........
  19. So design a saw/drill with a wheelchair attachment
  20. You're retired jason, a lot of things have changed since then.........or not. Jason's right though. If you are just taking away a small amount any masonary grinding wheel will work. As for the depth, I've seen lifts put in with 4" of concrete so you'll be fine.
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