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Posts posted by SHIEF

  1. Tells me old man river is not a good person. And he's "well off"? Old dude bro is a dick. I would've asked who's this was and who was sitting here now and even next year (maybe not the year after that).

    You need to find new old friends. As these seem like a bad influence. Betcha they call out "Bingo!" when they know they don't have it. So now they steal attention and money? That's war medals thrown off a bridge around these parts.

  2. I think most A/F ratios are in the teens, so that is one part fuel to some-teen parts air and an engine sucks a LOT of air. Over that course the fuel is spread pretty thinly as vapor in the air.


    You will be blowing your engine up shortly if your AFs are in the teens with carbs and a blower. Mid 12's is cutting it close.

  3. You have to tell yourself there is nothing you could have done. Which is true. You dont't matter at that point. Had a friend of a friend (who I've hung out with) do the same this past year with a similar scenario. With a successful business in hand and a kid. It was a selfish decision made by him who didn't care who he hurt. That's easy to move on from. I say that as a kid I grew up with shot himself over a simple gf breakup. It easy to move on from when all 3 of your best friends are now dead based on things that were out of their control. 1 murdered from playing gospel music too loud, 1 from a drunk driver while he was on a motorcycle on brice rd., and 1 from a complication in a hospital. So yeah, for someone like me......it's selfish and easy to move on from. I think about those guys all the time and what we would be doing/saying.
  4. This is correct. Everyone wants to think dogs aren't living creatures capable of making decisions, and it's like taking a wrench, turning a bolt, and everything is fixed. Not the case. You get out what you put in. I have told everyone that having a legit good dog is a lifestyle, not a hobby. Training can be incorporated in nearly EVERY aspect of life. Take your dog to get dog food and do heel auto-sits through the store. Do downs in the store, etc. If you want to have fun, do this stuff in front of a pet store "trainer" that is trying to walk around with their client's dog and get it to do "commands" with some meat paste out of a tube as a reward. It's kind of funny. Walks through goodale. Put the dog in a down command as you eat dinner. Etc. It's a lifestyle.




    The boundaries thing is good. A dog should NOT have free roam of the house off the bat. Also, waiting for food, etc is good too. It teaches the dog self control. Years and years ago I would hold a piece of food in front of the dog's face and correct the dog when it tried to take it before I gave the OK. The dog learns quick to pay attention to your Q. People would say its mean to tease the dog. I say BS. Everywhere in nature creatures have to earn the rewards of hard work. The dog always eventually got the food when it started paying attention to my Q's instead of trying to just take it. The critics were the kind of people that have their dogs pulling them at the end of the leash, which is what I found most amusing.


    The end of the leash thing is spot on. The rents gs did this all the time. Thought there was no way this would be fixed. After the NK9 training it was immediately solved before even working with the dog. Stayed even with whoever was walking him. If it seemed he was getting ahead, the word "heel" reset the pace. That sold me.

  5. I dont disagree with you there, but my house for example has 1500 sq ft of nicely finished basement+ the kids toy room. We are down there EVERY DAY! If its an issue, its an issue.


    I am just stating you cant discount it as "Just a scam for money". That is ignorance at its highest level.


    If that's the most ignorant thing I'll say, I'm cool with that. And it would have to be, in that I've achieved 'the highest level'. Didn't even try. Thanks for making my future bright.

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