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Everything posted by SHIEF

  1. Finally had a chance to watch this video. Pure awesome. If it doesn't get you fired up to race......then you enjoy car shows. Thanks for posting that.
  2. I tried to Sprint 2 way you. IT DIDN'T GO THROUGH
  3. All I hear is crickets......or a troll attempt.
  4. How fast is your nhra license good for?
  5. Not saying I don't care, but I certainly don't think about it. It's wasted thought on what thousands of people probably do everyday.
  6. I'm not saying what's right or wrong. Doesn't matter to me what other's do. If that's your belief that's fine. And my best friend was killed by a drunk driver while he was on his motorcycle. People will always do what they want.
  7. Hmm. So you have zero tolerance for drinking and driving. Is that because you did it, blacked out/crashed your car while drunk? And that's the reason you have no tolerance? I guess when you reach perfection you can pass judgment. Instead, you became a Bama fan who likes to dance and has zero tolerance for things you have done in the past.
  8. Search for 'free tint' in the searched section.
  9. Didn't move out that well imo. Could be the turbos. And I'm on hate stands so idk.
  10. I'm heading over to HT right now to check out the build!.........do they still make fruit roll ups?
  11. SHIEF


    There use to be a white svo, with this combo that put it on the back bumper regularly around here. I did a ranger with the t2.3 so no hate here. Got the intercooler from some guy on here that sold tires, got too good at his job and now works for Trump. Think Derrick is his name but idk.
  12. That is neat. If you open it up on YT you can just move your phone around. Cool.
  13. LSU looks good. Les Miles has mind control over Debo.
  14. My brother does alot for the drag racing community. Names, numbers, sponsors, etc. Does very good work at a good price. PM me what you are looking for, a contact number and I'll have him give you a call.
  15. Bama L oh L. Here comes the talk of how Ole Miss could beat the Patriots.
  16. Watching GameDay.....and I see all these bamatards at Ole Miss with the signs. One saying something like "Found! 1 Ole Miss fan with all 32 teeth" I mean, have you walked outside and looked around your bama trailer park? Also noticed alot of osu this,that, our weak schedule signs from tard nation. We are living rent free in their heads.
  17. Cool. Gotta start somewhere.
  18. Well, how did it do? Or still working on the tune?
  19. Slow cars say 1/8th miles is lame. Or turbo guys. The fun and who won can both be accomplished in that distance. That Dsm is no joke.
  20. Yeah the same David Pollack who thought we shouldn't have got in the playoffs last year. Dude sucks.
  21. Hopefully, you put the van closest to the garage man door. So when you walk out you are all 'awww' Then, just past it is the challenger. And you are 'yeeeaahh' . The other way around would suck.
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