Speaking to a friend who is a Deputy, planning on running for the head Sheriff next year....
Stay to the right.
Dont weave
Keep car clean
Dont throw cigs out the car
no dents
tires and brakes good
Sheriff call Deputy
OHP call Trooper
Others/In Doubt call Officer
when you get pulled over:
Roll down window (If tinted glass, roll down all)
put hands back on wheel
when he asks for license and reg, explain: My Registration is in my glove box officer, then LEAVE THE GLOVE BOX OPEN after. Gives him a sense of ease. If Centerconsole, close afterward.
Break eye contace before getting license or reg.
You must make the cop have less fear. If you have a CCW, roll down window and say "I have a weapon, it is in my glovebox, please secure it"
And a no brainer, dont have bumper stickers. Murphys law would say if you had a sticker that said "I like Ike" the cop you pull over would be someone who was the opposite.