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Total Sign

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Everything posted by Total Sign

  1. If that wont work I can have it shipped to the shop.
  2. Oh, the convoy that met at the rest stop, what was with the brake checks every 30 sec? We would get to 60, then brake to 50, all the way there, mind you, flow of traffic was 70. How ironic, 20 cars going to the track, driving well under the speed limit.
  3. I know that my view of normal/society is fucked already, Im sure I am not the only one.
  4. graemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/thumbsdown.gif Dont ever put that image in anyones head. That will scar these small children for life.
  5. Where would the internet be without porn? High speed connections, streaming video, etc.
  6. I would be a good candidate, Just supply the beer and keep the money.
  7. I saw that thing walking around. I meant from the trailer to the track under the cars own power.
  8. Total Sign


    fedex from sweden? New bridge?
  9. Yeah, there was a 1.6 and a 1.7 in them. Ricochet honda ricer boy just got pwm3d
  10. Your only racing for 500 now? Last I heard it was 3k. 500$ isnt worth wasting the gas on you.
  11. I havent heard an understatement like that since "smoking can cause health problems" Who had the blue daytona? Talk about cutting people off tongue.gif
  12. He couldnt have made it to the track if he tried. BTW, this thread is all in the good fun we didnt have today at the track.
  13. Your car must be able to start to be able to talk shit.
  14. If you were there, and it didnt rain, I would have burned you. graemlins/finger.gif
  15. Sounds smart. I think Ive gotten a wreckless op or two there before. Mucus anymore isnt smart, security guards, cop, and "under cover" cops, unmarked pos car, and yes, they give tickets.
  16. Why not a B18? I am no Honda person, but the B18 seems to be "the 350 of import engines" Swap has been done many times, more stroke than the 16 (torque), not near as heavy as the H22.
  17. That was red light running minivan 2 fast 2 furious racer. And as rico said... "can it cook steak?" If not, no reason to upgrade. 98 still is the best, 2000 sucks (what I have now, nothing works right).
  18. Found a awesome deal the other day on a 1990 All Trac Celica. Sent him a 500$ deposit. Turns out today, his buddy isnt able to get the car, sends my money back. Selling a car he didnt even own. Gotta love people.
  19. You all are lucky it rained, you would have been in for a huge ass whoppin. Especially the V6 pontiacs. tongue.gif
  20. Meijer>BP, less additives. 2.04 for 89 yesterday.
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