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Jimmy Notchback

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Everything posted by Jimmy Notchback

  1. Ill sell them to you for $70. Ive had them forever and they're not doing me any good just stitting in a box in the garage.
  2. I can just imagine you weaving in and out of traffic on a crowded highway right now with your crazy fast saturn. Make sure to cruise easton and rev it in the parking garage.
  3. the cops were going to shot people in fast cars!!!! OMGOMG
  4. No problem,just make me an offer man, they are equal lengths by the way.
  5. ive got some macs Ill sell you for 150 dollars. I used them for two years.
  6. Thanks, Ill pm you my number. I have replica wheels so that works.
  7. It doesn't matter what kind I need 4, but if someone only has 2 Ill take those as well.
  8. I like that flat black old school one at the bottom. Shanton I enjoy your journal.
  9. If your friend drives the black camaro that everyone beat up on later that night tell him jumping his car and driving like a fuck through the scene of that accident wasnt cool. On another note, I hope everyone turns out ok.
  10. I hope you get your car fixed. I feel wierd writing in your journal isnt this private?
  11. I didnt have a computer but now I do so let me get things up to speed. First Ill start with Shanton. Your gonna need alot to beat me on the 30th, I hope your girlfriend enjoyed watching you get walked last saturday night (you know I love you). Tilley and Linn Im going to hug you guys till you die from it. Billy, you can't run me off the road from 10 cars back.
  12. I agree with mustangs never losing, if someone beats me it's only because my car started to burn out at 70 mph or I just didnt feel like winning.
  13. Jimmy Notchback

    Who is?

    AJ, we just pimped yo ride.
  14. my mustang stock is 3050 lbs, now it's more towards 2900. You could find a cheap 4 cylinder notchback and swap a junkyard 302 for less than your going to spend on that probe, and chances are that it will be more reliable. I am biased though so you don't have to listen to me. Good luck and welcome.
  15. Yeah I used to ride by that guy and laugh, he just smiles and waves.
  16. I hope you got it inside quick, it looks like its about to storm.
  17. I had fun there, even though I couldnt get past a 2.1 60 foot. The bad vibes were everywhere.
  18. Nice, but that bitch needs some wheels quick.
  19. 100 hp 75 torque, Im pretty happy with it. I think I might be able to break into high 15's with a 1.9 60.
  20. the red fox body was not me, I enjoyed watching him make Cock lx look stupid.
  21. Looks awesome, the paint is perfect.
  22. I know the cobras are not real.
  23. Not one but two sit in a showroom just north of campus in clintonville. A new shop just opened and the owner keeps two of them in his showroom as well as 3 shelby cobras. I rode my bike over and looked at them, they are quite nice. If you turn right on high from hudson they are right across the street from Giant Eagle, defidently worth checking out if you're in the area.
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