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Jimmy Notchback

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Everything posted by Jimmy Notchback

  1. would this work in my 1976 turbo diesel 4 door Mercedes Benz? It's not really yellow but kind of an off cream if that helps at all.
  2. very cool, i've been wanting to purchase a telescope for some time now, just never got around to it
  3. "I usually don't do this sort of thing" -most bitches
  4. I have quite a few family members that are cops. From what I gather from them for the most part they hate hurting people but sometimes it's a necessity. I will say that I believe there are quite a few cops that enjoy destroying people a little to much and take any chance they get to rough someone up. I have an uncle who is a retired cop that loves to brag about beating a man into a coma after the man resisted and swung at him. I got maced trying to pull my knocked out friend out of a giant brawl one night last winter. I bent down to grab him and the next thing I know someone grabs my shoulder and turns me around. My initial reaction was to step back to avoid a punch but the officers mace was like a fucking squirt gun and coated me. I wasnt mad at the cop at all, as far as he was concerend he was protecting my friend from getting stomped. Mace is a game ender, I was blinded for at least a full 2 minutes before I could somewhat open my eyes and get pulled to safety. The only lasting effect was when I took a shower and the mace ran down from my hair and got on my nuts....that sucked to say the least.
  5. Jimmy Notchback


    i got a flat on 670 in route.
  6. Jimmy Notchback


    I might be out rolling around with my lady friend
  7. We both just started getting into this. I have some gear but Im planning on starting over with all new equipment.My Tent is a couple years old and beat and my sleeping bag is heavy and not ideal for the climates we should be in. I've gone to gander mountain and dick's and browsed but Im not going to buy anything until we check out clintoville outfitters and sabos. As far as experience this will be our first multi-day hike. We are both extremely into the outdoors and this is something we've been planning on doing all year. We both have played sports our whole lives and continue to stay in shape. I cant thank you both enough. The hike Benz guy described sounds perfect and the gear tips erase any doubts of what we might need. It's nice to hear from someone that isnt a salesman trying to sell me gear. What store do you guys shop at or do you order all of you stuff online?
  8. First off thanks a ton to both of you for taking the time to write especially the detailed travel plan. Most of things you wrote are places Ive been reading about and want to check out. We have yet to purchase alot of our supplies. What would you suggest are essentials and the best ways to not spend a ton of money buying them? We've gone on trips before out west but are not extremely experienced hikers. Most of our trips involve going to a place and asking locals were to go to get away from the usual tourist crowd. We are looking for a roughly 4 day hike up a mountain to somthing we can summit without actually climbing with gear. Since you said home away from home...something with a mountain top lake would be nice. If you've ever read Darma Bums, that's what Im looking for.
  9. My lady friend and I are taking a 3 week trip in september. So far the plan is to drive out west to yosemite, spend a week there camping and hiking then move on and drive down the coast. I was wondering if there are any avid backpackers on CR that might give me some tips on cool places to go checkout/hike. We are open to anything, yosemite is the only for sure destination we have so far. So if anyone has some suggestions Id love to read them.
  10. think this would fit a 95 toyota tercel? a couple of the rims are bent and i need to replace them
  11. this guy is selling everything for 300 dollars, thats why i thought it would be worth checking out
  12. Im going to be running bbs wheels with 275/40 nitto drag radials. The car is not a daily driver. I wanted to go with this setup because it already comes with the disks and I no longer want to run drum brakes. so.... would this bolt right in or not, I realize there might be a cheaper junk yard drum brake way to do things, but Im more interested in if this setup will work right now. All the rear kits Ive found come with drum brakes and run anywhere from 500 to 650 from a shop.
  13. I have a 91 mutang 5.0 and Im in the process of trying to convert from 4 lug to 5 lug. I found a person online who is selling a whole rear set up from a 96 mustang. the kit.... 1. axels 2. proportioning valve 3. rotors 4. calipers 5. caliper brackets 6. caliper mounting brackets 7. dust shields 8. anti-moan brackets 9. emergency brake cables 10. assorted nuts and bolts these are all the parts he has listed for sale. The dude is asking right around 300 dollars. Ive looked around online and most sites are somewhat vague on the compatibility of a 96 rear end with my car. My questions are.... will a 96 rear end work? what other parts will i need to buy to complete this setup? Does this seem like a reasonable price?
  14. Jimmy Notchback

    Leg humping

    As long as you admit it, feel free to play it out.
  15. Jimmy Notchback

    Leg humping

    You can't steal my material you bastard.
  16. Jimmy Notchback

    Leg humping

    Hoblick is driving to OU as I type this to destroy you.
  17. Thanks for the help, Ill let him know.
  18. You're not the father! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! crazy fresh
  19. oh damn, take that parachute off and you have a street sleeper/sweeper.
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