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Everything posted by Rainer

  1. im very interested in the SUPER reciver were are u at in columbus?
  2. Rainer

    Sony in dash tv

    what kind of trades are u looking for?
  3. hey man this is louie man ill give u cash right now for that tach hit me up 330-6205
  4. hit me up with your number and ill call u and we can talk about
  5. trade u a 93 teg with built b17
  6. $600 kenwood kvt-910 touch screen dvd, cd, navigation(needs hooked up), tv(needs hooked up)player alot of cool stuff on it works good and can send pics to anybody interested $600 firm cant go no lower its already a steal
  7. hey man i got a 91 crx si with a built D16Z6 motor in it body kit(not flashy looks good) carbon fiber hood and much more hit me up if interested. also i have some pics i can send u if interested
  8. Rainer

    fs 90 integra ls

    u still have this?
  9. ractive 4-1 header in decent shape dented a little on the bottom- intake manifold off of a d15b5 with fual rail and injecters- intake manifold off of a d16z6 with fuil rail- d16z6 throttle body- d15b5 throttle body- d15b5 power steering pump with pully- non vtec d series ECU- D15b5 motor with most of everthing on it head, bottom end, tranny, basically everything but the intake manifold. Can part out if need something. sony xplode cd player the one that has a screen then when u push the button to folds down at an angle and shows the buttons-$150 take best offer for the engine stuff REALLY need to sell the cd player have pics of everything just hit me up and ill send u the pics.
  10. you still have this for sale?
  11. ok ok first off NEO graemlins/gives.gif if i need a lesson in typing or talking all go back to school. An RICOCHET the reason i got quiet so fast cause i was sticking it to your MOM. Now this is my last reply cause im just waisting my time tring to fight with u hatin ass bitchs
  12. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah "h92 is a toolbox and he has no friends" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha FUCK U!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. ok i dont think were talking about the same person dick
  14. who got scared away hater im apart of that crew and one other dude thats cars arnt in that pic. An whys that "dude with the red civic gay" cause hes car looks better then yours or something or were u just born a fuckin hater so its just first instinct to u to hate. An "neo" u need some suspension work so now u think your somebody.
  15. WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with all u dickheads. You think because your mommy and daddy bought u an audi or a mustang that u can talk bad about one mans honda. If u dont like hes lights then just say u dont like hes lights why u got to go any futher then that. If u dont like hes rims then just say u dont like hes rims. Why does everybody have to put in more then there 2 pennies. Oh yeah u think cause u buy a v8 or some crap u can brag but it doesnt take skill to buy something allready hook up and say your car is better and faster then everybody else's
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