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Everything posted by NWill

  1. NWill

    161 east of 315

    You can go down that stretch any time of the day/night and see a cop. Never speed there.
  2. Wtf, my dogs name is Coco, too...
  3. NWill


    I'll be behind you guys.
  4. I saw you drive past UDF on linworth about 3 times last Sunday. Sounded good.
  5. Maybe you'd actually get them back.
  6. Check supraforums.com for the SMIC. They go anywhere from $75 to $150. Oh yeah, you have to register to view the classifieds. Good luck.
  7. NWill


    Great day for a ride graemlins/thumb.gifgraemlins/burnout02.gif
  8. NWill

    Supra guys?

    PM me if you're curious about turboing the NA and don't want to bend over for a $5k kit.
  9. I'll pay above reserve now. 614-352-4409 or PM me. VERY interested. Thanks.
  10. I would have thought a supra guy would have picked up on this . . . seems everyone else did. </font>I am very aware that was orignally an NA Supra. He lists TWIN TURBO all over the place in the add. If I decided to do the TT route on my car when I went turbo..I wouldn't go listing my turbos as aftermarket on a list along with Nitrous, boost controllers, etc.
  11. You'd think so, yet they still list the stats at 220hp @ 5800rpm.
  12. Last I checked, stock turbos weren't a performance modification.
  13. NWill


  14. 1990 CBR600F. Yoshimura exhaust & jet kit.
  15. I loved that dog. EDIT: Pics to supraguy@columbus.rr.com graemlins/nod.gif
  16. graemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gif
  17. graemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/nutkick.gif
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