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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. That's great man! I never liked the idea of counting points for food, but if it will help you maintain and control portions, let it happen! I just eat whole natural foods, primarily paleo (not a lot of starch, no sugar, etc) and I eat liberal amounts of food and the weight just fell off. The real key is to just find a sustainable lifestyle change for YOU. Good luck brother, you will do this!
  2. Not at all. When you're the "big guy" for so many years you retain that impression. It's pretty exciting seeing old friends and having them look at me with confusion. I also haven't updated my drivers license and have been carded a few times when going out with friends and was denied entry in a few places as well. My wedding ring also hasn't fit for a long time. I've been too busy loving life... I need to get a new drivers license and wedding ring!!!! Thanks for all the positive feedback guys!
  3. I just wanted to drop in for an update on my weight loss journey in hopes to help motivate some people who may be struggling to get started or need that extra push. I started this weight loss journey as a new years resolution in 2013 and within the first year and a half had lost 180 pounds. As of today I am down 200 pounds and continue to live a healthy lifestyle. It's amazing what one can achieve if they stick to health and fitness in some shape or form. No secrets. . . I just got up, started feeding my body properly. . . and moved. I've helped a few others reach their goals, and that's all I can ask for. If I can help pay it forward and show people it's not about starving yourself or yo-yo dieting then it makes it even more worth it. Just cut out that garbage and move your body and watch that fat melt off your body! Great times! I'm 6'4" and 33 years old. I am in better shape now than in any other time in my adult life. It's a surreal experience waking up and not hurting and having unending amounts of energy to do whatever my kids want to do with and not what I was once limited to due to my weight. Here's to many more years of health and happiness! Go out and get some! 430'ish lbs http://i.imgur.com/jlWpiTz.jpg 230 lbs
  4. http://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsingleawkwardfemale.files.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F08%2Fready.gif%3Fw%3D538&key=4qGNHM1NSvL_Or5enw4Ozg&w=800&h=245
  5. These last 3 games have made me a believer AGAIN. Never again will I go astray. Never again will I go without Nair. I love our team. . . O-H BABY...... ca cawwwwwww
  6. That was super awkward. Not as awkward as this nair I'm going to put on my balls if we don't secure this deliciousness.
  7. I have mint condition mario sunshine and wind waker for gamecube. Wanna trade xbox one games for them? pm me!
  8. Could someone get an Oregon onesie and wear it?
  9. HAHAHAHAHA.....dripping/melting hair of my balls, but WE GOT IT BABY!
  11. Let's not get cocky. . . shit just got real.
  12. Jive...are you still wearing that onesie bro?
  13. I may just put some nair next to that urn and say a little threat every big game. LoL
  15. I swear if we don't get it out of the end-zone this possession I'm gonna freak out and shave my balls with nair and burn the chemical covered hair in my great grandmother's urn.
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