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Everything posted by Art

  1. Art

    corrado on ebay

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___1990-VW-Corrado-G60_W0QQitemZ250371969896QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item250371969896&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A-1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 anyone know this car? I might go look at it.
  2. Great video. The black scirrocco is the cleanest I've ever seen. widebody mkII mmmmmmm. bentleys on the avant. Great video.
  3. Art


    Fuck Them! That shit looks great! I'd rock it.
  4. hahah http://www.shweet.org/pr0n/content/1073_large.html the thumb of gods I dont think my ass is as hairy as hers.......
  5. God damn, he has the most butt flossed ass of the year!
  6. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    Funny you say that, I figured if I said stock you'd make a NASCAR joke. On your car, the mods you have done make sense to you. Mine makes since to me. Have anything else to do yet? I get it you don't like my exhaust. I do. Thanks.
  7. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    If thats your take it's fine with me... I guess we should all drive factory cars, like yours. I'm a type of person that doesn't mind your opinion at all, it's yours and your welcome to it. If exhaust tips can make you decide if a person is a retard and can't drive you are a better man than most. I wish I had your insight. It is kinda baffling how someone would do this to a 20 year old $600 car isn't it.
  8. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    You notice the car isnt' running? It is a diagonostic check before the car starts. All indicator lights come on until the car is started. If the lights are on while the car is, then there is a problem. before some smart ass makes a comment, the lights in the video that are on.... parking brake, and low coolant, which has been topped it came on that day.
  9. I've heard a few stories about this car. Well built car. Free Bump!
  10. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    quit jackin my thread.... You still owe me for a chipotle burrito.
  11. Wife and I ski at Aspen Snowmass, Her grandparents have had a condo there since the 50's they are both in their 80's now he ski's still but think's this may be the last ski trip there. They spend the months of Feb and Aug every yr there. We can't go this year becuase I had knee surgery, we may go out in Aug though. I love snowmass. I tried to ski at MRM for my first time it was very icey, I got pissed and quit after 30 minutes of trying and went to the bar. In snowmass I had lessons the 1st day and by the time we left I made it down "the slot" which is a black diamond. It's a very easy black
  12. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    Kenny, touch your first boob yet?
  13. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    I really like the 1st pic Ive seen the pic before when it was the whole picture it reminded me of seeing it.... maybe since its on a coupe it looks so good. anything on a coupe would look good. My Dad has a 70 VW Bug, I told him I was goin to do this he thought it was a joke, so in part I did this to make him laugh which he did. So the signifigance of using beetle tips means something to me.
  14. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    I WANT IT! wheres that from I looked forever for that.
  15. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    actually that pic of odometer was the day it broke it still had milage on the trip... I got the car that day and when I had left the condo's I hit the trip goin about 20-25 since then FUKT!
  16. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    Glad everyone likes it! I admit it looks ridiculous... if you knew me you'd understand. I only wanted two to start with, then I went with four in hopes it would resemble the 4 rings of Audi's symbol. Yes the odometer has 35k on it. The cable snapped about 2 years ago from resetting the trip while rolling. I'm guessing the car has 55-60k now. In person the resonators do tweet like an old beetle not the new 1.8t or 2.0's As far as back pressure, it is causing it, and from not having the exhaust hooked up for so long, it feels like it used to and should. Jones thats about the reaction I wanted... I knew 99% of this board would laugh at it... hell I was laughin at it while it was goin on the car.
  17. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    used to sound like this...
  18. Art

    My Audi exhaust

    This is my daily, the stock exhaust fell off and this was actually cheaper to do than replace it. I was hoping it would sound like a beetle a little bit. I am going to move the tips back about 2 1/2 inches so its flush with the bumper. I wish I had a video of what the car sounded like with no exhaust.... it was flippin hiliarious.
  19. http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/art95celica/?action=view&current=CIMG0140.flv my Audi 90 with 4 VW beetle exhaust tips on it..... just cause im an asshole.
  20. now thats outa the bag, he will be gone where i was goin to pick him with the next pick
  21. Honestly, I would like to see Detroit grab, Eugene Monroe, OT 6-5, 315, Virginia. But its Detroit, so Dirty Sanchez it is!
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