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Everything posted by Art

  1. the worst part about the smart car is it still gets in the 30's mpg, you can get that with a civic, and still live if u wreck it. I'd like to drive a busa powered smart at put n bay for a weekend, thats about it.
  2. I can vouch on the power of these amps. They push just about anything. If you still have this in a few months I'll buy it. Just bought a house and I have no money.
  3. quality!!!! you'll shoot ur eye out kid!
  4. buicks are for old guys with bad knees thats y ur mom drives a BUS
  5. I'd say it is still worth a look. who knows 200k on that car may have been very well kept and the car could b in great shape. neat cars
  6. I was leaving muirfield area around 3:30 today some guy in a white a4 1.8 was driving with me all the way from glick and riverside to 270 and 23 I had fun that is all.
  7. Hey if your on here thanks for playin with me today I had a good bit of fun..... hurry up and get that body kit situated. oh yeah my old Audi is louder than your new Audi.... This thread delivers!!!!!!!!
  8. Sharp car. I wish the S4 wheels came in a 4x108 pattern. I have had my car in C&G's , good shop. Mid State is my Advance auto parts store to
  9. Art

    loud white audi

    I guess it really hasn't caught the attention of anyone here. The Audi that is, y'all know, what this thread is susposed to be about. I dont get to post here much anymore, is soslo50 one of the new "contributing" members of CR? Well back to my old pos Audi, I'll leave it that way until I get out of the condo and move to the new house with a garage. I do need to get with someone on the board that can do welding/fabricating, tinman is in his busy season. What I want to do is some what challanging. Anyone here up to the task? PM me if you can help out. Thanks.
  10. I wanna race the audi.....
  11. Art

    loud white audi

    I think we were just venting. Personally, (comma for Rob) I feel better. Here is the deal, I drive a pos loud white audi. The exhaust needs work, but I'm in no hurry to fix it. I put this thread up because, the car is rather loud. If people replied that they had seen or heard the car around, it would have encouraged me to fix it sooner. Summers coming, the wife and I just bought a house, and we are selling our condo. I am very busy this time of year at work. I dont have extra time or money to fix it now. So, Mullet Phil, have a good day, thanks for the keyboard boxin match.
  12. Art

    loud white audi

    When i joined the site in 1912 it was my user name has been since. I, don't, like, to, use, comma's, sorry, Rob.
  13. Art

    loud white audi

    Hey soslo50, you got some anger against your dad for not blowin you when he fucked you when u were 7? Ya just angry bout being gay? That mullet you brag about in your sig , is that for your "dates" to pull on, when you show daddy who is a man and takes better than he ever gave it to you? Fuck boy the audi is mine i was just throwin out a feeler to make sure 12sectalon is the only 1 in town that im pissin off with my pos circle track car. If I see your car out I will stop ya so you can show me how you shift with ur ass and drive left footed fag.
  14. Art

    loud white audi

    some jack ass has a white audi with a stupid exhaust. is it turbo'd? V8 or just a piece of shit with a loud exhaust? anyone seen it? does he drive like an ass? i just wanna know?
  15. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! I can watch that 10x
  16. I cried from laughing so damn hard. my wife called me while watching the video, it pissed her off, so she hung up sayin im not payin attention. I just couldnt turn it off or quit laughing.
  17. All Ima Say Is When I Opened Sam's Pic, The Dog Bit His Toy And Made A Uhhh Uhhh Sound A Porcupine With Honkers In It. Sorry For Caps But Its Friday And I Give No Shit! My Wife Does Look Like That, But Its My Wife...... So As The Sayin Goes, Find The Hottest Girl In The Bar, And I'll Find Some1 Who Is Tired Of Fucking Her. Sam Wins
  18. Thats Just Retarded!!! Caps N 4 Tha Win!!!!!!!!
  19. this had me listening to beats for 20 minutes....... nice.
  20. wtf is this show.....
  21. Thanks bud i''ll check it out... reccomend any shops?
  22. like the title says I need a mirror for a 93 chevy fullsize van, the type with the chrome backing... the glass is cracked and i assume that i need a whole replacement.... thanks alot. Art
  23. Ive never heard his comedy, but now, I might go to the bone to see it. That was classic.
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